Coronavirus: What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's speech - 20 Minutes

  • By announcing an extension of the confinement until May 11, the Head of State assured "to measure the effort that is asked" to the French.
  • On this date, "the beginning of a new stage", nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools can reopen gradually. However, restaurants, hotels and concert halls will remain closed, announced Emmanuel Macron.
  • May 11 will also mark the moment when "we will be able to test anyone with symptoms" and when "the State will have to allow every French person to get a mask for the general public".

Emmanuel Macron once again spoke against the French men and women, this Monday evening. From the speech of the President of the Republic, a date emerged: May 11. The head of state announced "the strictest confinement until May 11. I measure the effort that is asked of you. "

In this speech, Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that France was "obviously not sufficiently prepared" for the coronavirus crisis. "There were shortcomings as in all the countries of the world, we ran out of smocks, gloves, hydroalcoholic gel, we could not distribute as many masks as we would have liked. […] I have seen failures, there have been too many delays, weaknesses in our logistics. We will draw the consequences. "

Before these, there will be "May 11, the start of a new stage". Here is what will change on this date.

What reopens

On Monday May 11, Emmanuel Macron announced "a gradual reopening of crèches, schools, colleges, high schools". “Too many children, especially in working-class neighborhoods, in our countryside are deprived of school without having access to digital technology and cannot be helped in the same way by parents, this is why our children must be able to find their way back to school. ", Explained the head of state, arguing that" the government will have to arrange special rules, organize time and space differently, protect our teachers and our children well with the necessary equipment ".

On the other hand, for higher education, there will be "no physical lessons until the summer". Details must be provided on exams and competitions.

What remains closed

In addition to higher education establishments, restaurants, cafes, hotels and performance halls "will remain closed," said the head of state. As for festivals, there will not be any “before mid-July”. France's borders with non-European countries "will remain closed until further notice".

The President of the Republic promised "an assessment every week from mid-May". In fact, re-openings may be announced as they arise.

Tests and masks

May 11 will also mark a turning point because "we will be able to test anyone with symptoms" of the Covid-19, said the President of the Republic, and "in connection with the mayors, the State will have to allow each French to get a mask for the general public ”. Before adding: "For the most exposed professions and for certain situations such as in public transport, its use could become systematic. "

Aid promised

The Covid-19 epidemic worsened the precariousness of French men and women. Emmanuel Macron promised the payment "without delay of exceptional assistance to the most modest families with children to enable them to meet their basic needs". He continued: "The most precarious students sometimes living far from their families, especially when they come from overseas will also be helped"

If the head of state called for a European "refoundation", he also believes: "We must also know how to help our neighbors in Africa to fight the virus more effectively, also to help them economically by massively canceling their debt. "

"We will find the happy days"

At the end of his speech, the President of the Republic admitted "frankly" not being able to say "when we can return to life before". But he said, "We will have better days. And we will find happy days again, I am convinced of it. " And he encouraged the French to "reinvent themselves, me first".


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  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Society
  • Containment
  • President