(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) A deputy director of Wuhan died of a heart attack and fought in a sheltered hospital for 25 days

China News Service, Wuhan, April 13 Question: A deputy director of Wuhan died of a heart attack and fought for 25 days in the cabin hospital

Author Zhang Chunhong Guo Fei

At the dawn of the anti-epidemic, the 53-year-old Zeng Hongbing fell. On the 13th, the comrades who had fought side by side at the Jiangxia Fangcai Hospital in Wuhan, and the villager representatives of the precision poverty alleviation villages he helped came to send him the last voyage.

Zeng Hongbing was deputy director of the Jiangxia District Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Institute in Wuhan. After carrying protective clothing, disinfection water and other anti-epidemic materials at work on April 10, he experienced chest tightness and discomfort, but he still insisted on working and suffered a heart attack at night. He died after rescue at about 4 am on the 11th.

After the outbreak, Zeng Hongbing took the initiative to ask for tassels and worked in Jiangxia Fangcai Hospital for 25 days, responsible for delivering meals to patients. After the cabin was closed on March 10, he had no rest to return to the Jiangxia District Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Center to work the next day.

According to Huang Tao, a colleague who delivered meals together in the shelter hospital, the nine members of the initial meal delivery group were responsible for the delivery of all inpatients. Seeing the tension in other positions, Zeng Hongbing took the initiative to send 5 colleagues to support other positions, and the remaining 4 people took on more than 1,000 meals per day. When sharing a meal, Zeng Hongbing always rushed ahead, working hard and hard.

Worried about the patient's poor eating, Zeng Hongbing took the initiative to communicate with the medical staff in the inner cabin to collect changes in the patient's dietary taste. Some patients want to eat noodles and buns. He immediately contacted the food delivery company and brought steamed noodles, buns and porridge. "He always tells us that the patient has a taste and wants to eat. That's a good thing. We have to find a solution." Huang Tao said.

In the eyes of Wang Juan, a colleague of the meal sharing group, Zeng Hongbing was meticulous and thoughtful. He will personally verify the number of each ward, and increase or decrease the number of lunches according to the patient's situation. Wang Juan clearly remembered that for Chinese food on February 24, Zeng Hongbing said: "The 3 wards in Shaanxi are male wards, and give them more meals and dishes for each meal.

In order to grab the breakfast before the doctor's round, Zeng Hongbing and his colleagues arrived at 7 o'clock every morning and began to share meals at 7:30. It takes more than 40 minutes to complete the meal in 5 wards. After sharing the meal, Zeng Hongbing and his colleagues ate a bite of rice. At this time, the food and dishes were already cold.

Zeng Hongbing's wife, Deng Yanping, is a nurse in the Community Health Service Center of Zhifang Street in Jiangxia District. Under his leadership, on February 26, Deng Yanping also entered Jiangxia Fangcai Hospital, responsible for the distribution of protective clothing, masks, and disinfectant supplies.

March 1st was Zeng Hongbing's birthday. In the morning, Deng Yanping in Area A of the Fangcai Hospital called Zeng Hongbing, who was near Area C, to wish him a happy 53rd birthday. Unexpectedly, this was actually her last birthday with Zeng Hongbing.

Upon learning of Zeng Hongbing's death, Wen Xiaoquan, director of the Women's Federation of Yancun Village in Dawu, Jiangxia District, stayed up all night. "At 5 o'clock in the morning, I joined together with the village head Zhu Heng and took more than 800 villagers' entrustment to the funeral home to send the director Zeng the last trip." Wen Xiaoquan said with tears.

Wen Xiaoquan said that in the past five years, Zeng Hongbing has been the first secretary of the Dawuyan village branch. He has worked with villagers for more than 200 days a year to plan out poverty in the village. With his help, 22 households and 56 people targeted for poverty alleviation have been lifted out of poverty in 2018.

Zhu Hengmin, village head of Dawuyan Village, said that with the joint efforts of Zeng Hongbing and all levels, the village was tidy, the highway was open, the street lights were on, and the villagers got out of poverty. (Finish)