Domestic isolation, due to the measures taken to limit the spread of the emerging "Covid 19" virus, imposed a state of tension and anxiety, in addition to its effect on family relations, moving away from the outside world and dealing with people in a state of fear and within the limits of safety distance. Specialists directed the necessity of finding new skills and communicating with oneself, providing a set of tips that can transform the negatives of isolation into benefits, to benefit from them in filtering and “filtering” social relationships and focusing on the family and the self and improving the self and internal energy of the individual to be able to return to normal life naturally. In the post-sanitary period. "Most of the people in this century are preoccupied with economic life at the expense of the family, and this isolation has come as an opportunity to return to the family, which is the first incubator of society," added Dr. sociology at the University of Sharjah, and added: "Isolation is an occasion for the restoration of family relations, whether Relationship with children, or even finding adequate time for parental care and supervision and follow-up of children, especially in the field of distance education, which is the first opportunity for parents to get closer to their children in these activities ». He noted that this isolation carries many positives if individuals adhere to it.

Fear of the other

With regard to external relations and the attempt to restore fear of the other, Al-Amoush pointed out that these relationships were not completely broken with this isolation, due to the dependence on social media that left relations in a state of virtual communication, so all relationships outside the family will not be affected. A lot, but it is family relationships that will be affected and presumably positive. For example, it is an opportunity to restore the image of the father to its correct form. The image of the father is often related to material spending, and this is an opportunity to discover the family self, and the balance between the emotional and material sides, especially since the emotional side is more important than the material side. Al-Amoush pointed out that one considers his basic success in work, not at home, knowing that this is not correct, and for this he advised the necessity of dividing eight hours per day at home on multiple activities, provided that a diversified program is established and based on social and family communication skills in order to make up for what is missing The family of relationships and continues.

A need of rest

The specialist in psychological and family counseling, Lama Al-Safadi, confirmed that human relationships need a break as well, which is an opportunity to strengthen family relations. Previously, there were many husbands who did not meet with their children and wives, and the positive in isolation was that family relations became more important. She noted that the feeling of fear for the family strengthens the relationship between its members, due to the common danger, in addition to that "Corona" has proven that we can live without anyone, and this in itself is considered a liquidation of human relations. Al-Safadi considered that sitting for a long time makes one reconsider his relationships, and we see that there are people whom we have not communicated with for a while and we started communicating with them, and other people whose isolation was an excuse for the interruption of relations with them. As for the fear of direct contact with the other, Safadi noted that the safety distance will not fade quickly because a person maintains an obsessive fear of the other, and these relationships may take a period of time to return, but let us take Wuhan where the virus spread, as an example of this, its residents have regained Relationships and people began to practice normal life, for man is a social being and what he is going through now is a period of truce with relations.


Energy therapy called on the student’s promise to take advantage of isolation in positive ways, saying: “Isolation is an opportunity to communicate with the self, because people in general store a lot of negative energies from the outside world, so this isolation today directly affects (root thank you), which It is responsible for communicating with family and our origins, and making people more compassionate and communicating with themselves and their families. ”


The energy expert advised Al-Sadiq’s promise to get rid of the negative relations that are governed by fear of the other in the current stage, in a way of communication called “Namaste”, which is carried out by the Asians, and it is based on joining hands on the chest near the heart and is a path of peace that is psychologically comfortable and gives the heart positive energy, It can be preserved, and one can practice meditation and send love energies to the suffering earth.

Surface conflicts

Lama Al-Safadi, a specialist in psychological and family counseling, said: “There are negative effects, and there are studies in Chinese cities where the largest divorce rate has been recorded after isolation, because isolation creates conflicts for superficial reasons, due to stress and negative energy. Everyone is ready to create a problem, and we can also witness cases of sadness. Depression and grumbling, but the public interest is more important and these feelings must be overcome. ” She pointed out that those who live alone in homes will be more vulnerable to these negative influences, pointing out that in this world we are no longer alone, but rather we live in a world parallel to the real world, as the concept of unity has different elements.

Breathing exercises

Energy therapy confirmed the student’s promise, that breathing exercises are an important exercise at this stage, breathing gives the brain oxygen, and it removes negative thoughts, and makes the brain more able to think positively, and thus the freedom from the subconscious thoughts is freed from the negative feeling about the idea of ​​compulsory isolation. She drew attention to the importance of doing sports, albeit light, and avoiding sugars because it reduces energy and reduces immunity, and therefore relying on a healthy system increases the positive energy.

Home isolation posed a state of tension and anxiety.