The publication of conspiracy theories on Corona does not depend on relying on unreliable websites and even on statements by officials in the context of media wars.
Since the emergence of the new Corona virus, and a lot of rumors circulate around it, especially conspiracy theories, most of which revolve around the fact that the virus is not natural at all, and that there is human intervention to accelerate it or even to manufacture it. Here we show 6 of the most famous conspiracy theories about Corona:

There is no virus, but the implications of the launch of the fifth generation of the Internet:

This idea has spread so strongly recently that the deaths in Wuhan, China, were the result of the launch of the G5. There are those who said that the spread of deaths in Western countries is precisely the same reason. The rumor says that this generation releases electromagnetic waves, causing symptoms similar to the flu. The rumor, according to exberliner, started from a site called connectiv events at the end of January, but it only spread recently.

Of course, the rumor is not available on any scientific basis, as evidence that the fifth generation was launched in several countries a while ago and did not result in any health problems in the manner that leads to death. CORRECTIV quoted a spokesman for the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as saying that even "if we recognize the presence of electromagnetic radiation from the fifth internet, it does not cause health effects similar to the symptoms of influenza." The site also concludes that the Coronavirus is contagious, while the radiological effects do not reach until a person has infected another.

The virus was made in laboratories in Afghanistan:

A user from an Arab country came out on Facebook a few days ago with a video that reached about 4 million views before he deleted it, saying that the virus was made in Afghanistan in the form of sarin gas, and that a number of soldiers were infected with it, and in order to conceal their infection, they traveled to the Chinese city of Wuhan Where they spread sarin infection. The source of the user's words, he said, is the Scripps Research Institute, but by returning to the institute’s website, there is no study or report that carries this statement!

The vaccine is there, but they don't want to announce it:

This theory is not new, as it was repeated with many old epidemics, according to which the announcement of the vaccine will not take place until after a period of time, and the aim is to achieve the maximum amount of profits. One of the ways the rumor spread, is an English post on Facebook that has sprung horribly, saying that the vaccine is there, but that it is being covered up. The Poynter Institute investigated the matter and found no reliable source confirming the existence of a pre-vaccine for the government-sanctioned virus.

The virus is a biological weapon in the China-America war:

Some western media, such as Fox News and Daily Mail, published conflicting statements about the presence of laboratories in China, in an explanation that China is responsible for developing the virus. On the other hand, some Chinese websites have been accused by Chinese officials of the United States of the same, in the context of an ongoing media war between The two countries. Rollingstone denounced the rumor, with the permission of a biology professor, who made it to the Washington Post, saying that there is nothing in the analysis of the virus genome that shows that the act was engineered, confirming that the science refutes the idea that the virus is a biological virus, but nevertheless confirms even some American politicians think of it!

A trick to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union:

The Sun newspaper reported that some users of social websites in Britain are promoting this idea, especially among them who voted for this exit, and justifications include what he said that the number of injury numbers outside Britain serves the purpose of preventing their country from leaving the continental union. Of course, just using a little logic denies such theories. In Britain, infections so far do not reach other countries that have been affected by the virus and are still present in the European Union.

Plot against the peoples:

The theory is not new, and there are even those who said that the rise in infections in Europe is due to the desire of these countries to get rid of the elderly in them in order to serve their political and economic interests, knowing that this is a serious accusation lying to the numbers of elderly people who are being treated from the virus in Europe.