As the Coruna virus continues to spread, a group of Algerian volunteers have begun making masks from kitchen rolls in an effort to find an alternative to the increasingly rare product, as well as raising awareness of the importance of self-care.

The young volunteer group makes dozens of paper masks daily by folding the paper, stapling its edges, and using elastic rubber bands to attach the masks to the mouth and nose.

One of the volunteers, Muhammad, said that they realized that there were no masks in the pharmacies, so they decided to start the initiative. "We have noticed the scarcity of masks at the level of all pharmacies, and we thought with the neighborhood youth about this initiative to create masks for prevention," he said.

A pharmacist named Jamal pointed out that Algeria, like many other countries, is facing a shortage of masks, gloves, sterilization materials and other preventive products with increasing infections and deaths due to the virus.

"Since the outbreak of the epidemic, there has been an increased demand for masks, gloves and alcohol solution to sterilize hands," he added. And all these commodities are experiencing scarcity at the present time .. not only at the level of retail pharmacies but also at the level of wholesale sellers.

The paper masks made by the volunteer group are not the same quality as the professionally-made masks, but they are an alternative that is momentary and an indication of increased awareness.

Mohamed said that the masks are only for a short period of time and are only used once. "The muzzle is only valid for a short time, but everyone can re-embody the idea of ​​making a lot of it at home without moving around to take others here," he added.
The volunteers distribute paper gags to cars and pedestrians free of charge.

One of the volunteers, Omar, stated that they were making every effort to put in place preventive measures for all. He added, "We do our best for the sake of prevention so that all of us are safe, and we limit the transmission of infection between us ... We did not find where to bring masks for everyone, but we found a way to provide them in the simplest way ... We must take our precautions and provide them to everyone .. We distribute them to everyone who needs them." ».

The initiative is a symbolic step by enthusiastic youth to serve people in the difficult circumstances the world is going through, even by raising awareness.

One of the young volunteers said to an Algerian woman: "This mask is valid for one hour only .. We make it for educational purposes only, and from there everyone can make alternatives for it at home after it expires."

Algeria has so far registered 302 confirmed cases of corona, and 21 deaths.