Confinement is an opportunity to discover dishes - Rafael Ben Ari

  • One of the constraints of confinement is the obligation to cook yourself. No more canteens, company restaurants and outdoor dining.
  • Some take advantage of it to start cooking.
  • Experiments, homemade bread, healthy meals, there is something for everyone.

Is containment going to make us all alcoholics? Depressed? Crazy? Questions about the negative impacts of staying cloistered at home because of the coronavirus are legion. However, confinement, for those who are not drowned in teleworking and the duties of children, is also the opportunity to devote time to activities set aside. The famous "I want to get into ... But I never do. "

One of the constraints is the obligation to cook yourself. No more canteens, company restaurants and outdoor dining. Our readers tell 20 Minutes how they invest their stoves.

The opportunity to test

“I made my first homemade beef bourguignon yesterday, it was fantastic to have it. Tomorrow I try the pizza dough by hand. Like Morgane, for many, the time is for experimentation. For his pizza dough, Thierry * is trying a new recipe: "With baking powder and Greek yogurt, super good. "For Mathieu, it makes it possible to replace bread, and thus avoid going out too often:" We make it in the pan [...], cooked on olive oil. Cut in half and toasted in the morning, and kebab-style open in the evening. Adelaide, far-sighted, bought a pastry book as soon as the confinement was announced. With success, he said: "I do a lot of tests, things that seemed to me impractical, like puff pastry or croissants. And it pays! "A craze that can ultimately prove to be time consuming, like Dominique:" I am real recipes and I improvise. Beef stew with fresh beans and asparagus, vegetable lasagna, semolina cake with rum and raisins, shuttles, cinnamon chocolate brioches… ”A real restaurant menu.

Moreover, professionals can also find good sides to containment, failing to be able to open their room. Agathe, chef de partie in a restaurant, takes the opportunity to innovate: “I test new things in vegetarian and vegan cuisine. I'm having fun and it makes me think about the menu I will offer when I return to work. "

The opportunity to eat healthier

The restaurant menu is not in the habit of Mathilde, who admits to being more used to ham and butter. So for her, the most important thing is to eat healthy: “I had stocked up and ended up with more fresh food than usual. My goal is to waste nothing while having fun to keep my spirits up. I tested, among others, the polenta with Bolognese sauce with olives and a salad full of vitamins to fight the virus. A return to simple, healthy food. "

No waste either for Sophie, who wants to take advantage of confinement to train in “zero waste”: “For me, it's recipes around leek and how to eat each part best. Then recover the kiwi skins to make them candy and dry in a snack. And I put the recipes on Facebook. It's my containment journal. As many of our readers testify, good nutrition is important during this time. Even when you don't necessarily like to cook, like Morgane: “I have everything planned to make balanced meals for several days. Long live batchcooking [make all your meals for the week in one go], I find the recipes on social networks. "

The opportunity to share

Facebook, Instagram, etc. There are those who share their recipes on the Internet, and then those who do so as a family. Because difficult to stay locked up with children all day. Some therefore kill two birds with one stone by involving them in the kitchen. "We decided to live it as a game and take advantage of it to take time for the whole family," says Carole. Pascaline also takes advantage of these moments of complicity with her daughter: “We had been able to attend a course on macarons. So we practice by testing different tastes: Carambar, Bounty, lemon… ”

New tastes, this is the goal that Laurence set for herself with her family by bringing out a Japanese recipe book: "The beauty of Asian cuisine is that you don't have to make a commitment for hours. "

The opportunity to gain pounds

But talking about all these dishes makes you want to devour them. And this is a risk that many of our readers have noted. "It's important to have fun, but watch the pounds," notes Nadège. Esther, a fan of cookies and muffins, abounds: "Lorraine quiche, buckwheat pancakes, gratins ... We are not going to be wasted. But you also have to move a little! "

Letting go is not likely to happen to Clementine's husband. Caregiver in a nursing home, he continues the 12-hour days, facing the epidemic. Despite her pregnancy which is almost coming to an end, Clémentine spends her day in the kitchen: “I make a Royal chocolate, a pineapple cake, salads of all kinds. I browse websites in search of THE recipe that will bring him a little comfort after his long days. "

* The first name has been changed


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  • Gastronomy
  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Cooked
  • Coronavirus