Tears ran! Hubei citizens kneel down to the medical team! All 11 people in the family were infected ...

On March 20, Ezhou, Hubei,

433 medical staff of the Guizhou medical team set off

Ezhou citizens came to see them off.

The shocking scene happened:

A man kneeling on the ground holding a flag,

Thanks to the medical team members for their continued pity.

Video source: Xinhua News Agency

The reporter from Ezhou Daily interviewed by car:

"The medical staff on board stood and bowed,

Give this man a gift. "

Why do men kneel on the street?

According to @ 乙 州 政府 网 news,

The man kneeling and thanking the medical team,

All 11 people in the family were infected,

And there are 3 critically ill patients!

Is the elaborate treatment of angels in white,

Let them recover and be discharged from the hospital!

For a while, netizens brushed their eyes in tears:

On that day,

And a snippet,

It also moved countless people .... .

It was a joy to be home.

Cui Chunqi

Tears shed in the car.

she says:

"This is my 53 days,

One of the happiest encounters.

53 days,

The first time I saw so many people, so many cars,

I think,

We are not in vain. "

Supporting thousands of miles, reluctant to "expensive" people!

Thank you for your hard work for this city!

Source: China Youth Daily Comprehensive Ezhou Daily, China Daily, Colorful Guizhou Website, Ezhou Government Website, Netizen Comments, etc.