With 3D valve printers, breathable underwear and socks manufacturers are producing protective masks ... Italy is seeking in various ways to combat the Covid-19 epidemic, which has killed about 7,000 people in the country.

"We have received a call from the Brescia newspaper, which launched a distress call from a hospital in our district, asking if it is possible to print valves in 3D," said Alessandro Romioli, an engineer with the Isinova company, which specializes in 3D printing. More than 3,200 patients are currently in hospital intensive care, as a result of having Covid-19.

Hospitals in this area have been forced to make tough and tough decisions about the patients who must provide them with the medical aid needed to save their lives, and those who will have to return them to their homes in the absence of beds, doctors and equipment. The situation worsens, given the continuous flow of patients.

"We have printed four prototypes, brought them to the hospital, and told us that they are working well, after they tested them on patients with excellent results, and they told us:" said the young engineer at the Izinova company, which usually produces earthquake sensors and bicycle parts. It's great, we need 100 pieces of it. ”