In light of the circumstances in which the world lives due to the repercussions of the emergence of the emerging "Corona" virus, many people are living in a state of anxiety and fear, and according to a study conducted in 2016 at the University of College London, stress increases when suspicion is at its highest level. Emphasizing that uncertainty is more stressful than knowing something bad has happened. While the psychiatrist, Dr. Francis Goodhart, indicated that the human nervous system constantly pumps stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which makes him feel anxious and anxious. According to a report published by "Russia Today", providing a set of tips that can play a positive role in facing and overcoming this anxiety, and to reduce the feeling of fatigue:

Stick to the routine:

One of the ways to take control of this situation is to set a routine for your day, set a time for getting up, bathing, dressing, eating meals and a time to sleep every night.

Filter the news you receive:

"The anxiety will be maintained through constant verification of information, and with news available around the clock, it will not be easier," says Dr. Meg Arroll, a psychologist at Harley Street. "You may not be able to control the evolution of the virus, but you can control how much news is verified. So be aware of how often you do this," she added. Dr. Arol suggests giving yourself a "anxiety window" to think about your fears and write them out of your head.

Follow the rules:

Closely following the guidelines for hand washing and social isolation is not only good practice, it can also relieve stress. In a 2016 study of uncertainty, researchers found that participants who prepared for a mysterious matter were the best performers. So adhering to the new rules can help you feel some control and control of stress.

- Enjoy your time:

Anxiety becomes worse when the brain has an area of ​​fear, so fill your time and focus on tasks that bring you happiness. For example, you can learn how to play an instrument or speak a foreign language. "All creative activities seek to promote emotional health and can help you cope with self-isolation," says Dr. Arol.

- Social Media:

Regular communication with friends, family and neighbors via phone or video chats is very important to help provide a mechanism for fun and elevating the mood.

"Humans are social creatures, so staying in touch is important," said Goodhart. "Otherwise, not being able to mix with others can become extra stress."

Although face-to-face contact may be limited, assistance can take the form of giving to food banks, helping neighbors or engaging in community support via the Internet.

Eat well and sleep well:

It may sound self-evident, but stress is stressful, and your body's reserves of nutrients are needed to boost your immunity. Dr. Goodhart warned that "interrupted sleep is a feature of stress and poor diet", and recommended that you go to bed at a specific time after a quiet evening routine, and avoid stresses like cell phones and news at night.

Be active:

"All the evidence shows that a ten-minute activity is enough to dispel stress," says Goodhart.

- be positive:

According to Dr. Arol: "The practice of gratitude (thinking and conjuring up the good side of your life and your relationships) in times of heightened fear and anxiety helps us deal with and elevate mood, which works to maintain psychological well-being." And when you find the positivity, take every opportunity to share it in any way you can.

- take deep breath:

Studies show that simple breathing exercises can give you a powerful tool to overcome stress in crises. "When we are in a" fight or flight "situation, Dr. Goodhart says, the body pulls as much oxygen as possible to nourish the muscles, but you can calm this response by simply making sure you breathe out for a longer period of inhalation.

Cry if you want:

Dr. Goodhart says that crying, screaming, or expressing your anger and frustration by punching you in a pillow are all acceptable ways to get psychological relief. He continued: "If tears accumulate, do not suppress your feelings ... It is important to let yourself cry."