, March 21st. According to the official Weibo news from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, schools of all levels and in all provinces of Jiangsu Province will start in batches and shift peaks from March 30, 2020. Among them, the third grade and the third grade begin on March 30; other elementary and junior high schools (including vocational schools, special education schools, kindergartens, the same below) are ready for the start of April 7, the specific start of the school The district and city's epidemic prevention and control work should be implemented after approval by the leading command institution; colleges and universities should prepare for the start of school on April 13th, and the specific start time should be released by the school after approval.

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It is reported that schools in various places must strictly implement the requirements of the Ministry of Education on "the school will not start before the epidemic situation is not under basic control, the basic prevention and control conditions of the school will not be met, and the public health safety of teachers and students and campus will not be effectively guaranteed." Qualified places and colleges start in batches and orderly. The time for the out-of-school training institutions and infant and child care institutions to resume the centralized offline training (care) activities will be determined by the district and city's epidemic prevention and control leading agencies after all the primary and secondary schools have started.