It is not always easy to occupy your toddlers during confinement. To help you, here is a selection of educational and cultural content available online. Documentaries, a program, films and a podcast that will allow them to relax while learning.

Specialists have said it enough: too many screens are not good for children. But coronavirus requires, after five days of confinement, and while a weekend without being able to put your nose out looming, many parents will show a little educational flexibility. Europe 1 has therefore put together a small selection of educational and cultural content for you to find online. Whether your toddler is 2 or 15 years old, he will be able to find his happiness there ... and maybe you too.

Animal and football documentaries

It's not just series on Netflix. The catalog of documentaries for the platform is also provided. And the youth section gives pride of place to animal documentaries. In addition to the series La Terre, la nuit , which explores the nightlife of animals, we will find the fabulous La danse des oiseaux . An hour of superb images, good music and very funny comments to explore the courtship displays of birds. Because yes, male birds dance to attract females. These are the most unusual cruising techniques in high definition.

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If your child is more football than life, he can also find his account on Netflix. Two documentaries are devoted respectively to Antoine Griezmann and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The second, more original and more detailed, is particularly interested in the young years of the Swedish player, when he joined Ajax at the start of his professional career. The opportunity to see that his famous boast does not date from yesterday. There is also an interesting documentary series about Raphaël Varane, available on Amazon Prime Video. Failing to watch matches, all postponed because of the coronavirus, you can learn more about those who usually shine on the lawn.

It's not rocket science invades YouTube

If you don't have a subscription to streaming platforms, don't panic. There is also free content. Many episodes of the famous show C'est pas sorcier have been made available on YouTube. To find out everything about fortified castles, volcanoes, special effects, sharks, dinosaurs and much more, the France 3 series remains a classic classic. Possibility to board Marcel's truck with Fred and Jamy at any time, for episodes of around 25 minutes.

200 films on Benshi

If your children are really very young, don't panic. There too, there are solutions. And in particular the pretty Benshi streaming platform, entirely dedicated to 2-11 year olds. There is a catalog provided (200 films) of feature and short films, of animation but not only. From well-known films like Kirikou or Charlie Chaplins to Japanese anime, including the latest slightly sharp releases, everything is carefully selected with a watchword: quality above all. The subscription costs 4.99 euros per month but it is possible to take a month of free trial to test before getting started.

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Another story in the ears

And of course, it is also possible to cut screens without giving up beautiful stories by choosing the podcast format instead. "Another story", created by journalists Céline Kallmann and Benjamin Muller, and told by the first, offers once a week the reading of a story from children's literature. With the added bonus of all the references of the original work for those who would like to obtain it ... once the confinement is complete.