Illustration of a maternity hospital. - H. menal

  • Access to maternity is no longer accessible to those accompanying the Montpellier University Hospital, even the fathers.
  • The establishment expects a considerable influx of patients with coronavirus and wants to limit the spread of Covid-19 as much as possible.
  • In Nîmes, the CHU still authorizes the presence of an accompanying person, but with drastic security conditions.

Future fathers can no longer attend the birth of their children. This is one of the consequences of the rise to level 2 of the white plan at the Montpellier University Hospital. “All pregnancies followed are welcomed at the maternity hospital. However, visiting dads in the work room is no longer allowed. We have set up an information point in each service for families so that they can hear from their loved ones, explains Professor Vincent Le Moing, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the CHU. Access to the hospital is considerably restricted in order to protect the establishment and the patients we receive from the spread of the coronavirus. ”

The measures for maternity staff are also stringent. "Anyone with the slightest sign of infection is immediately evicted before they have even taken the test and know if they are carrying the coronavirus."

Allowed in Nîmes but with drastic measures

Other establishments in the region still accept the presence of an attendant in the delivery room. This is the case at the CHU in Nîmes, but with tenfold security. "Only one accompanying person (father or other) is allowed to enter the delivery room, wearing a mask, from the confirmed labor phase and until leaving the birth room, two hours after delivery", details the establishment.

The protective measures there are particularly drastic. Access to the maternity hospital service is prohibited for accompanying persons, as well as coming and going with the delivery room. The accompanying person is also subject to a temperature measurement. In case of fever, access to maternity is prohibited.

Teleconsultations favored during pregnancy

In Nîmes, where teleconsultations are encouraged during pregnancy to limit travel and the risk of contagion, each patient benefits from an individual room to avoid any risk of interaction. “We have made every effort to welcome patients and newborns in optimal conditions. (…) In this context, we are also counting on the involvement of all of the structures and healthcare professionals in the city hospital in order to maintain optimal follow-up and care at all stages of the patient journey. This condition will allow, among other things, to avoid deviations from good safety practices, ”say professors Renaud de Tayrac, head of obstetric gynecology service and Vincent Letouzey, obstetrician gynecologist at the CHU de Nîmes.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Montpellier
  • Society
  • Hospital
  • Maternity