At the microphone of Europe 1, Jean-François Delfraissy, immunologist and president of the Scientific Council, returns to the shortage of masks encountered by healthcare workers, while the Covid-19 epidemic is raging in France. For the immunologist, if this lack of protection is explained by several reasons, it should come to an end. "We hit the lowest point," he explains.


An exceptional guest of Bernard Poirette's morning show, Jean-François Delfraissy, immunologist and president of the Scientific Council, returned to the epidemic of coronavirus, which has caused the death of more than 400 people in France, a country confined since Tuesday. At the microphone of Europe 1, the immunologist explains that the shortage of masks experienced by nursing staff throughout France is explained for several reasons.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation on Saturday March 21

First, the deficit "on a certain number of products which were manufactured for some in China or elsewhere", begins Jean-François Delfraissy. An export which would therefore be slowed down by the virus, but the situation is also explained by "the quantities consumed at the moment", which are "extraordinary compared to the plan set several years ago"

"You have to call a spade a spade"

"The daily consumption of our caregivers is completely unexpected", continues the president of the Scientific Council. "You have to call a spade a spade, at this moment, we cannot meet the demand for masks that would be necessary"


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Nevertheless, the immunologist believes in the whole of the government and the administrative authorities "who do their utmost to have a production of masks both in French factories and to recover them in Chinese factories". Jean-François Delfraissy therefore wants to be reassuring: "We are in a difficult situation [...] but we have touched the lowest point and the masks are coming", he concludes

>> Watch Bernard Poirette's morning show in replay and podcast here