Confirmed infection of male employee at Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Shinjuku March 21 19:49

Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo, announced that one male employee had been infected with the new coronavirus.

According to the hotel, the infected male employee is in his twenties and carries out the work of transporting the guest's luggage to the guest room.

After returning to Japan from the 14th to the 28th of last month traveling to the UK, Portugal and Spain, after returning home, the fever came out on 13th of this month and as a result of the examination, it was confirmed positive on the 20th is.

According to the hotel, no public or other employees have come into close contact with this employee as a result of a survey conducted by a health center.

However, it means that seven employees who are doing the same job based on the advice of the health center will be on standby until next month.