Coronavirus: They party at their balcony to keep smiling during confinement - 20 Minutes

Every evening at 8 p.m., many confined residents open their windows to applaud the nursing staff who are fighting against the coronavirus epidemic. But a second meeting could soon be necessary.

At the call of "La vie dure", musicians, singers and DJs played music from their homes on Friday evening at 8 p.m. The Facebook event entitled “La Fête aux Balcons” already brings together over 14,000 people.

If the aim is above all to thank the nursing staff and all those forced to work during the coronavirus epidemic, the idea is also to boost the morale of the confined troops.


Coronavirus: Artists give concerts on social networks to encourage confined internet users


Coronavirus: Confined French people applaud health workers

  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Neighbour
  • Music
  • Culture