[Explanation] Establish isolation rooms, conduct school entrance drills, and establish emergency plans ... Recently, with the decline of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation in China, many schools in Shandong have begun to prepare for epidemic prevention and control in the upcoming "school season".

[Explanation] Equipped with integrated bathrooms, 24-hour Internet access, hot water ... More than 160 spacious and comfortable isolated single rooms are about to be "born" at Shandong Jianzhu University in Jinan, Shandong. In order to meet the upcoming "open school entrance exam", the correction has accelerated the construction of an epidemic prevention and control quarantine area.

[Contemporary] Li Duanjie, Director, Infrastructure Department, Shandong Jianzhu University

The students' aggregation is relatively strong. Once there is a high temperature, they should be detected early and isolated early. On the 27th, our infrastructure construction office began construction. The school party committee set us to end the month on the 30th. In a month, according to the current progress, it can be completed on the 25th of March.

[Explanation] The reporter saw at the construction site that the epidemic prevention and control isolation area with a construction area of ​​over 4,600 square meters is a two-story box-type panel house with a courtyard layout. The buildings in this area are all assembled and assembled using steel structures. In addition to isolation rooms, there are also nurse stations and public toilets. According to Li Duanjie, director of the Infrastructure Department of Shandong Jianzhu University, the construction of the epidemic prevention and control isolation area is not only convenient for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, but also will become a practice base for students to observe and learn about assembled architecture in the future.

[Contemporary] Li Duanjie, Director, Infrastructure Department, Shandong Jianzhu University

Through this epidemic, we can build these isolation houses in the future. We can use them for a long time, especially common infectious diseases. Sometimes students may focus on outbreaks in spring, so they can be used for a long time. This is one. The second is our long-term use as an internship base for prefabricated buildings.

[Explanation] In addition to the university's preparations for the "school season", many primary and secondary schools in Shandong have also actively carried out epidemic prevention and control exercises in order to fully complete the pre-school outbreak prevention and control work. Teachers have transformed into "students" after school simulation All links and emergency treatment. The reporter saw in the middle school affiliated to Shandong University that "students" lined up for temperature measurement, opened windows before class, and kept a distance from eating ... The school carried out practical exercises based on time, covering students' study and living time from morning to night. There are 17 links in the space to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students.

[Contemporary] Zhao Yong, Principal of Affiliated Middle School of Shandong University

In fact, all aspects of the entire prevention and control period designed in the school have a special educational value for the students. For example, our current prevention and control exercise is also a kind of health education for children, and emergency exercises for students are also for children. In the future, in the event of a similar emergency, what should be done is scientific, an education, and a growth.

Editor-in-chief: [Wang Kai]