China News Network Guiyang March 16th: Guizhou exam

Reporter Zhang Yifan

At 10:40 on March 16th, Yan Moumou, the last patient with new coronary pneumonia admitted in Guizhou Province, was negative for two nucleic acid tests, and was evaluated by a team of medical experts based on clinical performance. Shan Hospital was discharged.

So far, since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, all 144 confirmed cases and 144 cases treated in Guizhou have been cured and discharged, and 2 people have died. Guizhou's epidemic-resistance work has achieved major stage victory!

This means that the focus of Guizhou's epidemic prevention work will be shifted to strictly prevent imported cases and continue to orderly resume work and resume production.

As of March 15, Tibet, Qinghai, Fujian, Xinjiang (including the Corps), Anhui, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Hunan, Yunnan, Chongqing, and Tianjin had zero confirmed cases. The Macao Special Administrative Region has also previously been "cleared".

Through the mobile phone screen, you can feel the joy that comes from the face, which is behind the development of Guizhou and the epidemic.

Little wisdom governs things, big wisdom governs. "This fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic is a big test of the national governance system and capacity."

In Guizhou, a game of chess, a heart, energy, and that group of people were the outline of the spring 2020 exam. This exam without pre-reading, Guizhou was excellent.

On March 6, an employee of a company in the high-end equipment manufacturing industry park of Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province is in production. Recently, the enterprises settled in Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province have resumed work and production in an orderly manner while preventing and controlling the epidemic. As of March 5, 54 industrial enterprises under the direct management of Gui'an New District have resumed production, with a recovery rate of about 95%. Photo by Qu Honglun

A game of chess

This was an unexpected event, and no one was ready.

Guizhou is not easy. In 2019, Guizhou is a pilot province for the construction of a national transportation powerhouse, with over 7,000 kilometers of expressways open to traffic. It has become one of the top ten high-speed rail hubs in the country and "one trunk and eleven branches" of airports throughout the province. Convenient transportation puts Guizhou in the southwest railway transportation hub. Throat status of the Midwestern passage to the sea; the end of 2019 is also the peak of migrant workers returning to their hometowns. These are the biggest risk points in the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

Looking back at the epidemic prevention measures in Guizhou, it is not difficult to see that "get up early" and greet the best time for epidemic prevention in Guizhou.

On January 21, the first suspected case was reported in Guizhou. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was convened to study the instructions of the General Secretary and set up the epidemic leadership working group of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary and the Provincial Governor. The four “early” principles were clearly proposed: early Detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment to prevent the spread of the epidemic. At the same time, the expansion and upgrading of hospitals designated to treat patients with new coronary pneumonia was rapidly deployed. The working idea of ​​"external defense input, internal control proliferation" made Guizhou take the initiative. "We look at the worst and make the best preparations," said Guizhou's main leaders.

On the morning of the 22nd, the first case was confirmed in Guizhou. Specific measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic were issued by the Executive Enlarged Meeting of the Provincial Government of Guizhou. At the same time, the health and health department released the epidemic information to the society in a timely manner. Also took Dingxin Wan.

On the 23rd, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee held a special meeting to study and deploy the epidemic prevention and control work. The epidemic prevention work was fully launched. The provincial health and health system was announced to the public on the afternoon of the same day, and it will go to work during the Spring Festival.

On January 24th, the 30th day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Guizhou launched a first-level response to major public health emergencies. This is the sixth province in China to launch a "red alert", and Guizhou has entered the "examination status".

Within 3 days after the epidemic was just confirmed, one move after another, Guizhou was urgent but calm.

On January 26, the second day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the Provincial Party Committee once again convened an epidemic prevention leadership group meeting and an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee, and all the work to protect people's livelihood progressed in an orderly manner.

On January 31, the Guizhou Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Network live broadcast conference. This time, the deployment of the epidemic situation was more detailed and accurate. Only 22 people at the meeting site reached the village directly through live broadcast. More than 10 million cadres and people across the province watched it to ensure the rapid formation of joint defense. And united governance, forming a unified society of thought and action.

On the same day, the expansion project of Guiyangshan Hospital in Guiyang started, and it was opened in the early morning of February 16th just half a month later. Here, the new crown patients from the province were centrally treated to ensure the centralized use of advantageous medical resources. As of the date of publication, none of the medical staff in Guizhou Province participating in the treatment of the new crown had been infected.

On February 4th, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee held a meeting of the Standing Committee and a meeting of the Provincial Leading Group for Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control of New Coronavirus Infection. The meeting requested that under the premise of ensuring epidemic prevention and control and ensuring foolproofness, ensure that high-quality and anti-poverty can be achieved in a timely manner Fight tough battles and build a well-off society in an all-round way.

At this point, Guizhou's two examination papers on epidemic resistance and poverty alleviation were answered at the same time.

On February 10th, the Provincial Anti-Poverty Allegiance Oath Division Meeting was held in the form of live television. The secretaries of the municipal (prefecture) and Gui'an New District Party (labor) committees made written statements. Nine deep poverty counties without caps and three remaining The party committee and government of the county to be removed from the poverty-stricken population with more than 10,000 people made written commitments.

If it is said that this epidemic situation is also a fierce chess game, Guizhou has a move and it is in place. It is sufficient to prove that on March 6, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the President of the CPC Central Committee, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission attended the forum on decisive battle and victory over poverty in Beijing and delivered an important speech. The symposium was held in the form of a video conference call, with branch venues in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, cities (districts, states, alliances) and counties (cities, districts, and flags) under the jurisdiction of 22 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the Midwest. Liu Jianping, secretary of the Hezhang County Party Committee of Guizhou Province, made a speech through the video conference system.

One heart

"Creating a good atmosphere of hard work and hard work, ensuring the fulfillment of the original mission in the war and the passing of qualified answers in the big test," said Sun Zhigang, secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.

On January 28 and 29, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee issued two urgent notices calling for strengthening the party organization's overall command, giving play to the role of leading cadres as model leaders and party members' pioneering role models. It was clearly stated that "Party cadres at all levels should dare to act and be good at doing things. It is the more difficult the difficulties are, the more severe the test. "

When the topic of "replace all first-line first-aid workers with party members" was praised across the country, party members in Guizhou had already been silently on the front lines of epidemic prevention.

Huichuan District of Zunyi City played the role of grassroots party organizations in the community. During the epidemic prevention and control period, 1,254 incumbent party members reported to the community. The grassroots party organizations in the community established "community prevention and control incumbent party members" and divided them into "epidemic prevention materials and points according to epidemic prevention needs." There are four types of work: shift duty, key target service, and emergency coordination and disposal. 281 publicity banners, 800 epidemic prevention and control posters are posted in each village (housing) courtyard, and more than 37,500 publicity materials are sent to the public; 10 villages (communities ) Started emergency broadcast rolling publicity, 16 mobile propaganda vehicles walking the streets, 16 mobile speakers and small speakers entering the village ...

After the epidemic, Su Jinyang, deputy dean of the School of Physical Education at Zunyi Normal University, was anxious that he could not help. He learned that the community had convened party members to participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic. He said happily, "The community arranges what I do. Anyway, I can do my best if I can! "

"At a critical moment, our party members and cadres rushed forward, wearing party emblems and bright identities, standing at the forefront and rushing forward." The reporter noticed that Jiang Shifu, the secretary of the Huichuan District Party Committee, and several staff members of his party wore on their chests. With party emblem.

"Protect the village, control the household." As early as January 23, Guizhou demanded that all parts of the province immediately establish a leading group of party and government leaders in the prevention and control work. Song Xiaolu has worked in Anshun for less than 3 months. He was elected Mayor of Anshun Municipal People ’s Government on January 9th. He was born in Zunyi. He intends to use this Spring Festival holiday to familiarize himself with the customs and customs of Anshun. A sudden epidemic has accelerated this. plan. The main leaders of the 9 cities and prefectures in Guizhou are all on the front line to supervise the battle. "Recently, our state party secretary and governor have almost become the stars of the Spring Festival." Yang Xinyuan, a native of Cengong County, Southeast Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Qiandongnan, who has worked abroad for many years, returned home to visit relatives. Because the epidemic could not leave his hometown, he told his colleagues outside the country what he saw and said, "They run in the village every day. They used to think that these leaders were just meeting in the office."

Guizhou Province is the first country to build a media center at the county level. During this extraordinary period, local media centers played a huge role. Taking Sandu Shui Autonomous County as an example, local media people made small videos in spoken language, disseminated on mobile ports, and clearly conveyed the policies of the central, provincial, state, and county, which became hot topics during the epidemic prevention period; most worth mentioning It is Guizhou's immediate and transparent display of changes in the epidemic situation, allowing information to be transparently implemented, leaving rumors nowhere to take root, and providing positive guidance for the public opinion guidance of the epidemic.

"WeChat public account transmission, emergency broadcast publicity, posting and distribution of pamphlets, drumming drums to enter the village group smooth publicity, car speakers walking the streets and alleys, all are eye-catching reminders, epidemic prevention and control sounds in the ear!" This is not only Hui Sichuan's photo is also the epitome of the province.

The people's unity is also so touching.

The early stage of the epidemic coincided with the traditional Chinese New Year, and various kinds of anti-epidemic materials were in short supply. In the early stage of the epidemic, it was the Spring Festival holiday and the lack of epidemic prevention supplies. The guys from Guizhou gave up their vacation time overseas and purchased masks at their own expense and presented them to Wuhan. The Guizhou Chamber of Commerce overseas sent starters to donate prevention and control materials to their hometowns ...

On March 16, the students of Guiyang No. 10 Middle School in Guizhou Province lined up to enter the school in an orderly manner. On the same day, with the positive situation of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation, all middle schools in Guizhou Province began to resume classes and return to normal teaching order. Photo by Qu Honglun


Guizhou has never been defeated.

Guizhou, dissatisfied, has ranked among the top in China for nine consecutive years.

Guizhou, dissatisfied, let confidence fall into action.

In the early stages of the epidemic, the "hard-core measures", which mainly consisted of "investigation, prevention, control, governance, protection, and guidance", were the consensus of party committees and governments at all levels in Guizhou. "For investigation, we must go to the side and go to the end; for prevention and control, we must take the word" strict "; for governance, we must use one person and one strategy for precise treatment; for security, we must stabilize the supply and stabilize the people's mind; The strong momentum makes household knowledge of epidemic prevention. "

With the epidemic situation gradually under control, Guizhou has given priority to epidemic prevention and development in the first place, and Sun Zhigang, the secretary of the provincial party committee, explicitly requested: "Take back the lost time with 200% effort!"

With the spirit of "grasping," "implementing," and "consolidating," Guizhou has taken action.

Zheng'an County is the throat from Guizhou to Chongqing, and Tuping Town is the south gate of Zhengan rushed to Zunyi. The local migrant workers mostly work in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and Dongguan, Guangdong. The pressure of prevention and control is greater. Honghua Village, Tuping Town, Zheng'an County First Secretary Gao Wei introduced that in response to the call of the Provincial Party Committee on the evening of February 15th, the checkpoints were removed, and the circulation was smoothed. At the same time, it continued to do a good job of propaganda and control to restore orderly production and life. "Prevention and control of the epidemic is currently the most important task, but it does not mean that we do not consider economic development and do not consider winning the fight against poverty on time." At this time, the epidemic did not reach its inflection point.

On the same day, Guizhou Province issued the "Notice on Actively Responding to Epidemic Situation and Promoting the Resumption of Major Projects and Orderly", requiring all relevant departments and units in various places to make overall plans for the construction of major engineering projects in an orderly manner on the premise of doing their best to prevent and control epidemics. Promote the resumption of the project, ensure the completion of the year-round goals and tasks, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

Relying on big data, the investment promotion system of Guizhou Province held the signing ceremony of the Industrial Investment Promotion Network Cloud Platform project on the afternoon of February 25. On-site network connections for 9 projects were signed, and the total contract investment was 6.07 billion yuan (the same below), involving big data. Electronic information, health medicine, modern industry, mountain tourism, pig farming and other industries.

Guizhou's drive to lose is everywhere. Under the epidemic, Guizhou appears orderly from another core weapon: big data. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, Guizhou Public Security has launched the Guizhou 110 Convenience Service Mini Program, which can quickly register and check personnel by scanning a QR code. After the QR code is successfully submitted, the personnel will display green, yellow, orange, and red, and the system will display yellow and red as danger signals. The epidemic prevention department will follow the rules to verify the situation after further verification. This measure played an important role in strengthening the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in Guizhou.

Thanks to big data, Guizhou's investment promotion has achieved remarkable results. On February 7, the Guizhou Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau issued a notice asking all localities to do everything possible to ensure the completion of the annual target overall task, focusing on adding 560 billion yuan of funds for key industries in 2020, introducing high technological content, good growth, and strong stimulus. There are more than 1,000 excellent enterprises, including more than 20 of the top 500 enterprises.

On February 15, a total of 109 investment projects were successfully signed through the Internet platform, involving a total contract value of 32.658 billion yuan, of which 27 were 12 agricultural characteristic advantageous industrial projects, the contract investment amount was 4.877 billion yuan, and the top ten billion-level industrial industry projects. 34 projects with a contracted investment of 13.028 billion yuan, 25 modern service industry projects with a contracted investment of 11.568 billion yuan, 8 epidemic prevention and protection industry projects with a contracted investment of 455 million yuan.

Guizhou's response to the national examination is good: war epidemic, further strengthen the epidemic prevention and control measures, adhere to the control points, control lines, and smooth the face, adhere to the implementation of the "Four Concentrations", through the control points, open the face, as soon as possible to restore the province's economy and society Order; fight poverty, "one enterprise, one policy", "one policy, one policy" to fully grasp the resumption of production and resumption of production of enterprise projects, take extraordinary measures to promote the rural industrial revolution, and ensure that the high-quality war against poverty is achieved on time and high, to ensure the realization of this year's economy Social development goals and tasks.

Guizhou is the most powerful person in Guizhou.

A group of people

This test is most inseparable from people.

In the large office of the Guizhou Provincial Health and Health Committee's temporary renovation of the conference room, the director Li Qiyong worked with colleagues from January 21st, working nearly 15 or 6 hours a day, until more than 1 a.m. He punched a circle of friends on social media: "The battle against epidemic disease in Guizhou is not a gift of gods and a body of protection, but a hard struggle and overcoming difficulties for the people."

"I haven't returned to my hometown in Guangdong for three years to celebrate Chinese New Year. My son will come to accompany me in previous years. I talked about going back to Guangdong to celebrate the Chinese New Year this year, so my son waited for me at Huizhou's home. On the night of the 20th, I took a leave to return to Guangdong, and I was asked The notice of rushing back to Guiyang flew back in the first flight early the next day. The first night flight arrived in Huizhou very late and did not return home, so I flew back to Guiyang without even seeing my family. "Li Qiyong Say.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, a colleague sent data on the hospitalization of the patient that day, "I replied: 'Tough work'. He returned to me: 'No hard work, mainly afraid of making mistakes.' I saw this sentence, and I burst into tears. 'Li Qiyong said, At this time, Li Qiyong's eyes were wet again.

Guizhou was one of the first western provinces and autonomous regions to send medical aid to Wuhan. According to the central arrangements, it assisted Ezhou, Hubei, and Guizhou, which has a family base, with excellent people, wealth, and belongings. Guizhou Medical University Party Secretary Liang Guiyou is the leader of the school. The school ’s two vice presidents Liu Jian and Tian Xiaobin are the leaders. The three national second-level professors are known as the “Dream Team” of E. With enthusiasm and bravery, more than 1,000 medical workers in Guizhou supported Hubei, and they assembled 9 times. Everyone wrote the sincere and decisive Guizhou people.

It is also worth mentioning that those cadres working in the village, many cadres gave up their holiday reunion, turned them into epidemic prevention workers on the spot, visited the village to visit the households, and informed everyone about the epidemic prevention knowledge. Sandu Shui Autonomous County has established more than 2,900 grids throughout the county. Prior to the big test, grid members were working groups to fight poverty, and when the epidemic broke out, the team members became propagandists, couriers, and supporters of living supplies.

"Every silent battle requires a group of fearless fighters; every battle of life and death, a group of ordinary heroes will emerge." On the sixth day of the Guizhou epidemic blockade, Guiding village team member Huang Heyan did not wait for " The victory of "fighting" fulfilled the vow of joining the party with his life. At the age of 42, she used actions to explain the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member.

Behind these silent efforts is a title: Guizhou people.

"Every winter comes in spring." Guizhou, spring is here. (Finish)