• TV.OT 2020: The best memes of the historic gala 9 from the Academy

OT 2020 temporarily closes due to coronavirus . RTVE and Gestmusic have jointly agreed on the temporary closure of the Academia de Operación Triunfo and the temporary suspension of the program, the public body reported.

RTVE affirms that the temporary closure of OT occurs because they cannot "maintain the galas format that characterizes musical talent".

Likewise, the chain reports that Operación Triunfo will resume its activity " as soon as the situation improves and the program can be carried out with absolute normality."

Unique gala against the coronavirus

The last OT2020 gala, broadcast this Sunday, took place at the talent academy. Days before it was known that there would be no public as a preventive measure for the coronavirus but finally not even the contestants went to the set.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Triumph operation
  • Coronavirus

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