The grief of the death of a loved one, the distress of home isolation, and the tension of parent-child relationships can all make people feel depressed--

How to prevent "suppression" during the war epidemic

Under the epidemic, we need to pay attention to physical protection and mental health in the face of the virus. At present, the situation of prevention and control of the epidemic situation has been further strengthened. The mental state of people living in isolation has undergone some new changes and some new problems have emerged, which urgently require our close attention and scientific resolution.

How to calm sadness in the face of the death of a loved one

Professor Wang Jianping, from the epidemic prevention science popularization team of the Psychology Department of Beijing Normal University, believes that due to various reasons, such as the sudden arrival of relatives in the epidemic, they cannot accompany them at the end of their lives, and cannot bid farewell after their relatives die. There are no relics left. These are high-risk factors predicting the transformation of sorrow into pathological sorrow, which will make the process of sorrow more difficult, and even develop complex sorrow or pathological sorrow, which will seriously affect the physical and mental health of the bereaved. , But also brings great challenges to sad psychological counselors.

Bereavement and sadness counseling is a multi-disciplinary professional field that involves joint research and cooperation in multiple professional directions; sadness counselling and crisis intervention are different and require long-term work. It is very important to ensure the professionalism and continuity of service providers At the same time, we must also recognize that our country is still in its infancy in sorrow and sorrow counseling. There is a lack of professional research, a lack of professional talents, and even a lack of professional awareness. Many interventions have remained in the care and support of humanities.

Therefore, Wang Jianping suggested that in the current epidemic situation, family members should try their best to understand the patient's disease course, state of death and last words at the end of life, and at the same time try to keep the patients' relics. This information can help family members get a sense of reality and gradually accept this reality. At the same time, a multi-disciplinary professional team is established to provide services in stages, levels, and professions according to the characteristics and needs of the bereaved. In addition, relevant government departments must come forward and coordinate with relevant agencies in various places, strive to identify and contact bereaved groups in need in a timely manner, assist professionals to connect with demanders at different levels, and provide continuous support.

The epidemic has improved, can you relax?

Nie Xilun, an epidemic prevention science team at the Psychology Department of Beijing Normal University, believes that most people now spend less than one month away from home. At first, the anxiety, tension, worry and fear were relieved, and most people found a new rhythm of life after experiencing more intense psychological conflicts. The anxiety and anxiety will leave us in a state of preparation to a certain extent, which we are not used to and do not like. In the state of preparation, human nerves are highly strained and extremely sensitive to surrounding stimuli, which is conducive to our timely self-protection in a crisis state. When the closed time of the home reaches a certain length and people's lives begin to adapt to the new habits, the anxiety and anxiety begin to decrease, and they gradually acquire a sense of stability and security in the new environment.

Watching the "zero increase" or slowdown in new cases in most cities, the gradual resumption of work and production in some cities, the increase in express delivery and takeaway, these signals will make us mistakenly believe that the epidemic is about to pass, and we urgently hope that life will be earlier Return to normal. At this time people may enter a state of slack: frequent going out, queuing at the entrance of popular restaurants, going out without masks, reducing the number of disinfection or washing hands, and so on. However, in fact, the epidemic is still going on. Excessive relaxation will reduce people's vigilance, which may cause the risk of secondary cross infection and increase the probability of illness.

To cope with slackness, you can pay attention to the following points: First, remind yourself that the epidemic is not over. Although the situation of the epidemic has slowed down from the data, the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is still not optimistic enough to go out without wearing a mask and arbitrarily gather; the second is that people will feel numb and emotional fatigue under long-term tension and anxiety, which is normal. However, we also need to remind ourselves at all times that the daily increase in the number of suspected and confirmed cases is not only a figure, but also a lively life; the third is the decrease in the number of deaths and confirmed cases. It is the front-line medical staff who fight all night and even use their lives In exchange, the best way to respect their efforts and respect for their lives is still to standardize protection, and slackness does not help the epidemic slow down; the fourth is to look at the facts objectively, without being overly pessimistic or overly optimistic. While studying and living, you must also stay awake and plan ahead.

Children learn at home, how to resolve parent-child conflict

Yan Ze, an epidemic prevention science team at the Psychology Department of Beijing Normal University, believes that the epidemic has changed the lifestyle of many people. In order to ensure the safety of students, the school has formulated measures to postpone back to school and teach online, and parents have also started a home office model. Although this approach has greatly increased the time spent by parents and children, a series of problems have also occurred. Many parents are anxious to see that their children are unable to concentrate on their studies at home, are inefficient, and cause parent-child conflicts. So how can these problems be solved?

From the child's point of view, find the reason for the low efficiency of studying at home. The lack of "self-control" is one of the reasons. For activities such as learning that require a lot of energy, self-control will be continuously consumed, and it will take some time for the consumed self-control to be slowly replenished. When the child is in school, other students study with him. The environment of the school, the encouragement and demonstration of the surrounding classmates and teachers will promote students to continue to focus on their studies. This process is called "social boosting effect". But at home, children are surrounded by a lot of temptations such as games and novels, making them unable to concentrate on their studies.

To help children strengthen their self-control and improve their learning efficiency, we can start with the following points: First, set up a learning environment. Pack your desks, pack supplies that are not relevant to your studies during your studies, and set up a school-like environment to help your child focus on learning in a simulated environment. The second is to set goals appropriately. Before learning each day, asking your child to set specific, achievable, measurable goals that are consistent with the overall learning task can help children quantify their learning outcomes. The third is the combination of work and rest, appropriate rewards. During the rest, let the child fully rest, do what he wants to do, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and meet their independent needs.

From the parent's perspective, to find the cause of worry, this may be related to the parent's own anxiety. In the face of children's learning, especially the parents of children in the third grade and the third grade, their anxiety level is not low, coupled with the psychological pressure brought by the epidemic, this anxiety is infinitely amplified, which affects In view of the parents' interpretation and cognition of "learning", they believe that as long as children do not study at home, they will lag behind others, resulting in a series of serious consequences such as failing to enter a good school. Proper anxiety is good for us, but when the level of anxiety is too high, it will lead to the failure to communicate with children normally.

How can parents alleviate their anxiety and care about their children without causing parent-child conflict? Experts recommend that you first understand anxiety. It is important to understand your anxiety and realize that your child may also be in anxiety. Your nagging and discipline may make him impatient. Second, we must communicate rationally, listen more and blame less. Parents and children need certain communication skills to communicate, listen more to what the child wants to say, do not interrupt in a hurry, and do not criticize them too much. You can try to use the expression "Your idea is very good, I think ..." to provide your suggestions, but do not use the imperative "You should ..." Finally, if you have a quarrel, try pressing the Pause button. When experiencing emotions, let yourself calm down for a while, think about why you are angry, and let yourself calm down before communicating with your child.

During the epidemic, parents need to use wisdom to help their children improve their learning efficiency, while reducing family conflicts and conflicts, becoming a powerful source of support for their children, creating a good learning atmosphere, and providing a solid foundation for children to learn and live happily.

(Reporter Jin Xiaoyan)