With the announcement of the start of the trial of the first vaccine against the emerging coronavirus, known as Covid-19, questions were raised about when that vaccine was ready for the public around the world.

According to the British newspaper "The Independent", the first participants in these tests were supposed to have received a dose of the experimental vaccine on Monday, in an effort to ensure the possibility of harmful side effects.

For its part, Al-Hurra reported that the vaccine test will start on 45 healthy, healthy volunteers with different doses of the vaccine, which was jointly developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna.

According to the channel, there is no way for the participants to be infected with the virus due to these experimental doses, and the goal is only to verify that the vaccine does not show any disturbing side effects because of it, paving the way for a wider test.

The experiment is being funded by the National Institutes of Health in the United States at the Kaiser Permanent Health Research Institute in Seattle, the capital of Washington State, which has the majority of US deaths due to the virus.

3 stages

Clinical trials are usually conducted in three phases; the first includes a few dozen healthy volunteers, and the vaccine is tested for safety in addition to monitoring for adverse effects.

The second stage involves several hundreds of people, usually in a part of the world affected by the disease, to consider how effective the vaccine is.

As for the third stage, it includes several thousand people. Experimental vaccines must pass through these stages.

Obstacles to the vaccine

The success of this experiment will not mark the end of the critical period that the world is going through, at the present time, because the approval of any medical vaccine requires observing a number of conditions, and requires the approval of many competent health authorities.

In the event that the American experience is successful, that is, if it is determined that the vaccine does not lead to unwanted side effects, the development of the vaccine will require more than a year.

Anthony Fossey, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that if safety tests succeed, it will need to wait a year or a year and a half for a vaccine that can be used widely.
In the past few days, US President Donald Trump has said that "work is in progress and very quickly" to produce a vaccine "soon".

So far, there is no proven treatment for the virus. In China, researchers experimented with combining AIDS drugs with a new drug called "Remsdevir", which was being developed to combat the Ebola epidemic.

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has already begun experimenting with "REDMOSPHERE" with some of the infected cases from the Americans who were evacuated from the affected cruise ship, Diamond Princess, which was in Japan.

#United States .. Watch the experience of the first SKV vaccine on unsatisfied volunteers. According to health organizations, after ensuring that there are no complications for a person, it will be manufactured, as it takes between 12-18 months to be put on the market. # Emirates_day_pic.twitter.com/DQGb4gXkUa

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) March 16, 2020