(Combating New Crown Pneumonia) Concealing Trip, 55 People, including Medical Staff, Isolate Shanghai

China News Online, March 16 (Reporter Li Zhengzheng) The first case of the prevention and control of infectious diseases in Shanghai opened on the 16th in Shanghai Jinshan District People's Court (hereinafter referred to as Jinshan Court). The court held that during the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, the defendant Li Mouping concealed Wuhan's travel history, took public transport multiple times, and entered and exited public places, resulting in 55 close contacts, including 11 from the Jinshan Branch of the Sixth People's Hospital of Shanghai. Paramedics are isolated. The court sentenced Li Mouping to imprisonment for 1 year and 3 months and suspended sentence to 1 year and 6 months for the crime of obstructing the prevention of infectious diseases.

The People's Procuratorate of Jinshan District of Shanghai charged that the defendant, Li Mouping, had lived in Wuhan for three days on January 23, 2020, and returned to Shanghai after knowing that the city would be closed. After returning to Shanghai, Li Mouping was worried that he was infected with a new coronavirus, and in order to prevent the infection of his family, he lived alone in a hotel in Songjiang District.

However, during this period, Li Pingping knew that he was a returnee from a key area and still took public transportation many times to enter and exit public places such as supermarkets and convenience stores. After coughing and other symptoms, Li Mouping took a bus to the Jinshan Branch of the Sixth People's Hospital of Shanghai. He not only concealed Wuhan travel history, but also contacted many people in the infusion room.

On January 30, after Li Pingping signed the letter of commitment on home isolation, he went out without a report on January 31 and went to a pharmacy to buy medicine. On February 2nd, Li Mouping went to the hospital again for medical treatment. Only after being questioned by the medical staff several times did he acknowledge the history of Wuhan travel. On February 4th, Li Mouping was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia, and 55 people in close contact with him were isolated.

Prosecutors believe that Li Mouping violated Shanghai's relevant epidemic prevention measures, did not take the initiative to quarantine and report itinerary. He also went out several times after signing the commitment letter, and concealed Hubei travel history many times during the consultation. "For his own convenience, Li Mouping disregarded public safety and brought huge hidden dangers to social epidemic prevention. His behavior has violated the provisions of the Epidemic Prevention Law and is suspected of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Even if the situation of prevention and control has improved, he cannot Such prosecutions are tolerated. "The prosecutor also pointed out that Li Mouping truthfully explained the circumstances of the crime after he arrived at the case and signed a confession and confession statement, which can be lightly punished according to law. Probation applies.

After trial, the Jinshan Court pronounced in court that the defendant, Li, had been sentenced to imprisonment of 1 year and 3 months and suspended sentence of 1 year and 6 months for the crime of preventing the prevention of infectious diseases. (Finish)