A 98-year-old Chinese scientist and his 85-year-old wife recovered from the emerging coronavirus, on the same day, after an 18-day treatment. According to the website of the British "Daily Mail".

Official media quoted the hospital where they received treatment as saying that they had recovered from the virus, after being treated and cared for, and after testing, and that they will be discharged, tomorrow, Saturday, from the hospital of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, east China.

In detail, Mr. Han Tianqi, an astronomer for 63 years, and his wife were diagnosed with the disease in mid-February. They were taken to hospital on February 24 after their health deteriorated, and they were placed in intensive care where the couple was in critical condition.

The hospital stated that Mr. and Mrs. Han had suffered complications due to their previous health problems.

For her part, the couple's granddaughter, Han Shijun, published a request on social networking sites, through which she searches for recovered patients willing to donate blood as a possible treatment plan.

In this regard, the granddaughter told the press what scientists believe, that this treatment may be effective, in theory, by introducing anti-virus proteins from patients who have been cured to people who are still fighting the disease.

And the patients ’bodies can then use these proteins, which are called antibodies, as if they were already in their bodies, instead of having to make them from scratch.

For its part, some Chinese hospitals said that they are using this type of treatment already, but only for their patients, noting that there is not, as of now, a drug that is produced in large quantities or supplied.

The newspaper did not clarify whether the couple had received such treatment, but indicated that their conditions gradually improved after receiving treatment, according to a plan drawn up by the hospital, and obtaining care around the clock.

After two tests conducted for Mr. and Mrs. Han, they are recovering from the virus, as they will be discharged from the hospital on Saturday.

Last Tuesday, Wuhan announced that a 103-year-old grandmother had recovered from the virus after a six-day treatment.