Chinanews Client Beijing, March 11 (Yuan Xiuyue) With the gradual recovery of local labor and express delivery industry, everyone ’s enthusiasm for "buy, buy and buy" online is being released. From daily necessities, protective supplies, snacks, to cosmetics, books, electric cars, lunch boxes, there are many different kinds of shopping. Some netizens said that although they didn't go out much, their bills did not decrease. In addition to the numbers on the shopping bill, they also reflect their different living conditions.

Addicted to live shopping and eat snacks everywhere

Lin Peng, a programmer working in Beijing, never expected that he would be addicted to live shopping. In the past month, he has placed 20 orders on various online platforms, and online shopping costs nearly 10,000 yuan.

On January 30, he returned to Beijing from his hometown, and the community requested to be isolated at home for 14 days. The company also notified to work from home. It was boring to stay at home, and Lin Peng accidentally opened the live broadcast channel of a shopping platform, and was "out of control" ever since.

Every day at 2 pm and 7 or 8 pm, he will open the live broadcast on time. At 2 o'clock, he is a less popular anchor. At night, it is Wei Ya, Li Jiaqi and so on.

Lin Peng usually likes to cook. He mostly buys snacks from various places, such as Zigong's cold-eat rabbit, Harbin's red sausage, Fujian's red heart guava, and boneless chicken feet. One time I saw the anchor's recommendation. He was also unfit to buy protein powder and vitamins.

Shopping order screenshot

In addition to eating, Lin Peng, who claims to be a "brown man", also orders a lot of skin care products, from sunscreens to cleansing masks and hydrating masks. During the live broadcast, he also bought lipstick, massage cream, cream and essence for his girlfriend.

Lin Peng said, in fact, he has no desire to shop, and buying these things is fun, "there is an urge to reward the anchor". In addition, some things are really cheap, just right for stockpiling. However, after looking at the bill, Lin Peng was a bit "stunned". He put several shopping apps into a folder and named it "Be careful".

Shopping order screenshot

Sales of electric bicycles and lunch boxes increased significantly

Lin Peng is not the only one who is keen on live shopping. Some netizens said that the money spent at home for a month in these two days was spent. Some netizens also said that every day they were obsessed with live broadcast spikes, and one spike killed the second night.

A large number of people who can't go out have invested in live shopping. Take Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi as an example. Most of the recent live-streaming views of the two of them were more than 20 million, which is about 10 million higher than the same period in January.

Screenshot of Wei Ya Live Room

Many offline physical stores have also begun to go online. In the past, Intime Department Store launched the cabinet sister to start live broadcast. Later, Red Dragonfly launched all offline shopping guides, picked up mobile phones to do business, and even IKEA entered the e-commerce platform on March 10.

The "38 Queen's Day" just passed, the overall sales of an e-commerce platform far exceeded last year, and sales of more than 20,000 brands increased by more than 100% year-on-year. The data shows that the sales volume driven by live broadcasts rose by 264% year-on-year, and the highest day led to a 650% increase in transaction volume.

Screenshot of Li Jiaqi Live Room

Among people's shopping lists, resumption equipment is very popular, and riding electric cars to work and bringing their own meals has become a trend. According to big data from an e-commerce platform, from February 3 to February 25, sales of electric bicycles increased by 638% month-on-month, sales of electric vehicles increased by 430% month-on-month, and sales of adult balance bikes and bicycles increased by 147%, 179 %. In addition, sales of self-heating hot pots, self-heating box lunches, fresh-keeping boxes, and electric lunch boxes all increased.

The reporter saw on the e-commerce platform that the highest-selling electric bicycles sold more than 4,000 a month, and lunch boxes sold more than 60,000 a month.

Lunchbox ads from a merchant

Buy massager and cross stitch for parents

At the same time, the express delivery industry has also resumed work. At the State Council ’s joint defense and joint control mechanism conference on March 9, the State Post Bureau introduced that there are currently nearly 3 million reworkers in the national postal delivery industry, with a rework rate of 92.5% and a recovery rate of over 80%. Earlier, the State Post Bureau also revealed that the courier business volume is expected to exceed 5.2 billion units in March, an increase of about 10% year-on-year, and the industry development will basically return to pre-epidemic levels.

Data Map: On February 20th, in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, employees at Zhongtong Express Shanxi Transfer Center picked up their parcels while wearing masks. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wei Liang

With the full resumption of work in the express delivery industry, Song Liming Xian felt that the speed of receiving express delivery has been fast recently. She hastily bought online spring clothes, daily necessities, and bought massagers and cross-stitches for her parents.

Song Li went home during the Chinese New Year. Dad said he had a lumbar disc herniation. She didn't care. At the recent video chat, Dad said that the number of back pain was increasing. Song Li was so far away that he had to buy a massager from the Internet and send it to his home. Mom was bored at home and couldn't go outside to dance square dances. Song Li bought the cross-stitch often embroidered by her mother online and let her pass the time.

Data map: Hundreds of citizens in Chengdu gathered in a square and danced the square dance with the song "The Land of Heaven" as the background music. Photo by Zhang Lang

But what bothered her was that her favorite snail powder was still not easy to buy. She bought it once in mid-February, and the merchant indicated that it would be shipped before February 29, but after waiting for half a month, the merchant said that the supply of raw materials was blocked and out of stock, and finally refunded. Most other stores also extended the delivery time for nearly a month, which made her hesitate. A few days ago, she saw the news that the Liuzhou snail powder factory had resumed work, and she decided to buy it after a while.

Data map: Workers and volunteers are busy on the snail flour production line. Photo by Zhu Liurong

Unemployment shopping in the epidemic

Every year, there is a wave of job-hopping around the Spring Festival, but due to the epidemic, many people are facing the embarrassing situation of not being able to get a job and finding employment. Most of them have no intention of shopping and just want to find work.

For example, Chen Hui, who works in Hangzhou, has resumed work with friends around her, and she is still idle. She had talked to a middle school a few years ago and joined the post as a language teacher. However, after the epidemic, both units did not resume work, and Chen Hui's good "seamless connection" was also lost. The resignation procedure of the original unit has not been completed, and the new unit does not know when school will start. She is passively unemployed.

Chen Hui said that there was no way she could not wait. Recently, she bought a lot of ingredients, researched it at home every day, and bought Chinese language teaching materials from the Internet, but she hasn't shipped them yet.

Data Map: College graduate recruitment fair is hot. Photo by Wei Liang

Hu Jingjing has a similar experience. She belongs to a group of people who have not yet found a good job. Hu Jingjing is engaged in the media industry in Beijing. After the year, she submitted a lot of resumes, but some favorite companies did not start recruiting and interviewing as scheduled, which made her a little anxious. The friends around were entertaining themselves at home, but she didn't have any mood. Recently, she didn't buy anything else. She only bought masks and magazines from various media online, hoping to prepare for the interview.

What have you bought online during this time? (In response to the request of the interviewee, the name is changed to a pseudonym) (End)