Jacobo Grinberg dedicated his life to the study of consciousness. Ida Cuellar, director of The Secret of Doctor Grinberg , which had to be premiered at the Malaga Festival (postponed following the coronavirus crisis), says that “Grinberg graduated in neurophysiology , the science that studies the behavior of the brain, and then he was in the laboratory of Dr. Roy John in New York, to take a doctorate. On his return to Mexico, he set up his own laboratory, which was the largest in the University. Grinberg proposed that consciousness is not a product of brain activity, but that we are recipients of a general consciousness, to which we connect as if it were, to simplify, as an internet for all ».

Grinberg toured Mexico to study the shamans, until he met Barbara Guerrero, aka Pachita, a healer who enjoyed the protection of the then President José López Portillo. He dedicated several books, which were rejected by the scientific community. But it was not daunted .

Grinberg continued his experiments on telekinesis and telepathy. At the time of his disappearance, he was preparing to conduct an important telepathy experiment between Mexico and India. According to the Barcelona director, "I wanted to show that there was no transmission time between the emission and reception of the flash , an aspect that contradicted the Theory of Relativity , according to which nothing can go faster than the speed of light." But on December 8, 1994, at age 47, he disappeared.

The investigation took time to get underway, because Grinberg had already been absent without news. But, finally, in May, the highest instances put the case in the hands of Commander Clemente Padilla, who to date had left no case unsolved.

The call by television of the only daughter of the scientist, Estusha, who sang in a group called Heaven and Earth, generated numerous telephone calls among which was a testimony to which Padilla granted some credibility. Grinberg had been sighted in Boulder (Colorado), accompanied by two US agents, Rick Howard and Marina Velasco.

But Padilla was relieved of the investigation, and later ceased from the police. Cuellar, who has dedicated more than five years to this hypnotic documentary, ended up finding Padilla's whereabouts, who lives retired, somewhat paranoid, and still obsessed with his only unresolved case .

The documentary suggests that Teresa Mendoza López, the second wife of Grinberg, also disappeared, could work for the CIA , and that the scientist could have been kidnapped to rid her secrets , or to continue working on them, within the framework of a program like Stargate , through which the intelligence agency studied all kinds of paranormal phenomena during the Cold War.

The truth is that Grinberg disappeared along with all the material of his latest investigations. And nobody has heard from him again . Another clue, which cries out for a sequel, points to the surroundings of the highly controversial Carlos Castaneda.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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