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The municipalities of the Community of Madrid have decreed the closure of municipal sports facilities, but what about the gyms and private clubs?

Coronavirus is not spread by sweat. However, especially at this time of year of allergies and colds, the training rooms become an auditorium of coughs, sneezes and runny nose (gasps and cries of effort occur 365 days a year) in which we all impregnate with our fingerprints (and something else) dumbbells, bars, machines, oars, ellipticals and mats.

Pending a possible temporary closure of these premises, what measures are being taken and to what extent is it advisable to continue training in closed spaces?

The National Federation of Sports Facilities Entrepreneurs (FNEID) has sent its associates an informative circular emphasizing the importance of complying with the general recommendations collected by the Ministry of Health in the Procedure for the Prevention of Occupational Risks against exposure to Coronavirus, which affects the importance of personal hygiene measures: hand washing, well-groomed and cut nails, collected hair, avoiding the use of contact lenses and deep cleaning of makeup remains, among others.

"So far in the FNEID, we have not registered any incidence in our centers and the behavior of our users is up to date very similar to the usual and of absolute normality," say sources of sports entrepreneurs.

However, they explain, "we are promoting a coordinated action of our centers so that, where appropriate, we can promptly inform the relevant authorities to facilitate their assessment."

As in the development of other daily activities, they advise following the instructions provided by the Ministry: " Frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcoholic solutions ; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze with the elbow flexed; use disposable tissues and remove them after use; and, especially, avoid going to the gym if respiratory symptoms occur or have been in contact with possible affected by the coronavirus. "

In the training rooms it is more important than ever to use a towel , a mandatory recommendation that many people have overlooked until today, and extreme hygiene measures, both personal and use of the devices (it is advisable before and after use with paper and hydroalcoholic solution).

Additionally, the usual cleaning and disinfection protocols of our centers have been reinforced and we maintain regular information with the health authorities to respond quickly to any indication on their part.

From the FNEID remember that "promoting the health of people through sport is one of the main objectives of the activity of our centers and we are especially sensitized with any measure that contributes to preserve their well-being".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Infectious diseases
  • Respiratory diseases

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