Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, social networks are trying to be the best possible relay of reliable and verified information. "It is our responsibility to keep users informed and to help WHO make proactive information," said Facebook's communications director at the Europe 1 microphone.

Social networks are taking action against the coronavirus. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ... all the major digital platforms are in tune to avoid the circulation of erroneous information and facilitate access to reliable media. If you open Twitter on your smartphone, you will notice for example at the top of the home page an insert dedicated to the Covid-19.

If you click on it, you will arrive on a thread containing all the articles evoking the subject. All these articles are carefully selected: in this already troubled period, it is out of the question for platforms to relay "fake news".

"Proactive information"

Ditto for Instagram: if you search for coronavirus and at the top of the list, you will find the accounts of the World Health Organization (WHO). The same goes for Facebook, which has more than 37 million users in France. "It is our responsibility to keep users informed and to help WHO make proactive information, and thus keep populations safe," said Michelle Gilbert, communications director of Facebook France, at the microphone. '' Europe 1.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation

Another measure implemented by Facebook: the sharing of health advice communicated by the authorities. "We have put forward official information on the virus: how to protect yourself, some health measures to adopt ...", continues Michelle Gilbert. The platform has also undertaken to remove all advertisements for so-called questionable remedies or "alternative" protections supposed to protect from the coronavirus.

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Michelle Gilbert is also delighted to see initiatives flourishing on the user side. "We see teachers who organize themselves to teach on Instagram. We also see caregivers who meet in groups to stick together. Instant messaging applications also allow us to watch over isolated people", she points out. "This is the power of social media."