China News Service, Quanzhou, March 10 (Reporter Lin Chunyin, Sun Hong) The emergency rescue work leading group of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province held a press conference on the evening of the 10th. As of 17:00 on March 10, the collapse of Xinjia Hotel in Licheng District, Quanzhou City As a result, 20 people were killed and 42 were injured; the remaining 9 trapped persons are continuing their full and comprehensive investigation and search and rescue.

"The rescue mission has reached the most strenuous moment and has entered the decisive stage." Zhu Qingfeng, deputy head of the Quanzhou Fire Rescue Detachment, said that under the condition of ensuring that the existing load-bearing structure is not damaged, the large crane is used to stably support and use construction machinery. Speed ​​up the demolition of floor slabs and steel beams at multiple points, use search and rescue dogs, and life detection instruments to increase search efforts, so as to search and rescue one floor, clean up one layer, and peel off one layer at a time.

From 00:00 to 17:00 on March 10, a total of 7 people were rescued at the scene of the accident. Among them, at 16:38, 69 hours after the accident, rescuers successfully rescued a 24-year-old man from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, at the scene, creating a "miracle of life". Zhu Qingfeng said that although the current rescue work is difficult, the "miracle of life" has greatly encouraged all firefighters.

Su Zhijun, the director of Quanzhou First Hospital, introduced the progress of the treatment of the wounded. At present, 39 people are being treated in the hospital, of which 2 were seriously injured and the vital signs were stable; the other 37 wounded were in better condition. There are also 10 psychological nursing groups to provide psychological intervention for the wounded, provide books and toys for 4 children, and provide mobile phones to help the wounded contact the family.

At the press conference, Huang Xiangyang, the deputy head of the aftermath treatment team and the deputy head of Licheng District, said that a funeral service working group had been set up to take care of the remains and funeral services of the victims. As of 17:00 on March 10, 20 dead bodies of the victims had been converged and relevant follow-up work was done well.

As of press time, the hotel ’s collapse accident had passed “Golden Rescue for 72 hours”, and rescue forces from all parties entered the fourth night rescue operation. Zhu Qingfeng said, "Don't give up, don't give up, never sleep, go all out."

At 19:05 on March 7, a building collapse occurred at the Xinjia Hotel in Nanhuan Road, Licheng District, Quanzhou, and 71 people from 38 families were trapped (excluding 9 people who escaped by themselves). Local authorities have announced the names of the victims and missing persons. Of the 20 victims, 7 were from Hubei, 5 from Hunan, 3 were from Zhejiang, and 5 were from Fujian. The 9 stranded people still in search and rescue include 7 people from Hubei, 1 from Fujian and 1 from Zhejiang.

After the accident, Fujian Province officials have requested that the cause of the accident be thoroughly investigated, the responsibilities shall be seriously investigated in accordance with the law, and safety production and safety hazards shall be properly investigated and remedied. Quanzhou is focusing on the areas of medical observation sites and designated hospitals to isolate wards, house safety, hazardous chemicals industry, building construction industry, transportation industry, fire protection, gas, fishing vessels, etc., to investigate the hidden dangers of accidents. (Finish)