China News Service, March 11. According to the WeChat public account of Qingtian County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province, “Qingtian Public Security”, Qingtian County Public Security Bureau issued a notice on the 10th: Wang and other six persons suspected of obstructing the prevention of infectious diseases were investigated.

After investigation, 6 people worked in a restaurant in Italy and had symptoms such as cough, headache, and fever before returning to China. They recently returned to Qingtian from Italy and were successively diagnosed with new cases of new coronary pneumonia. They did not declare their health status according to regulations when they entered the country.

The actions of six persons including Wang Moumou and Ye Mou were suspected of violating the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. The case is currently under further investigation. (Finish)