Illustration of a poster evoking the coronavirus in front of a Breton school. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

"It is a fairly radical measure." Like all his classmates, this student from the Rennes School of Business learned on Tuesday that his school would no longer provide any "physical" lessons from Thursday, March 12 in the morning. Management has decided to offer all of its “remote access” courses in order to deal with the spread of the coronavirus. The private business school welcomes around 4,500 students, many of whom are foreign students. She justifies this choice by her desire "to ensure educational continuity until the end of the semester" and "not to undergo an uncertain calendar".

In a press release, the establishment prides itself on being "the first large school to offer all its distance learning". This represents 250 lessons and 2,500 sessions given by 175 teachers. The school wishes to clarify that this innovation "is not an isolated tactical device in response" to the coronavirus epidemic but is part of its master plan "digitalization and educational innovation". Classes will be suspended for seven days and will not resume until Monday, March 23 on the web.

In the ranks of students, it was above all the surprise that prevailed, the news having been announced on social networks before being shared with students. Enrolled in the third year, Yohann waits to see "what the courses will consist of" especially for oral and group work, numerous at this time of the year. “For me, disappointment is above all for our social life. We spend our days at school, we work a lot together. And there we are going to have to stay locked up? " Located in Beauregard, the Rennes School of Business remains however open "for all other activities" than lessons.


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  • Higher Education
  • France
  • Reindeer
  • French team
  • Health
  • Coronavirus
  • epidemic
  • Education