March 10, Yuncheng, Shanxi. With the warmer temperature, Pinglu County welcomes the colors of spring. Overlooking from the air, thousands of acres of apricot gardens in the terraces of the Huangtu Gully are competing to open. In the apricot flowers, the cottages were scattered. Golden yellow rapeseed and green returning green wheat seedlings are dressed in colorful spring colors for the loess slope.

From March of each year, hundreds of thousands of acres of apricot, peach and apple blossoms have been opened in Pinglu County. Due to the special terrain of the loess high slope, the flowering period from river to mountain can reach more than one month, and it has also become an important area for flower viewing in the Golden Triangle area of ​​the Yellow River in spring. (Wang Huilin, Quan Yongjun, Liu Wenli)

Editor-in-chief: [Yuechuan]