1027 new epidemic-free communities in Wuhan

Yangtze River Network March 9 news The Wuhan City New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters' community epidemic prevention and control group announced the city's second assessment of epidemic-free communities, communities, and villages (brigades). As of 16:00 on March 8th, the city has accumulated 3021 epidemic-free communities, accounting for 42.5%; 135 epidemic-free communities, accounting for 9.6%; 1,350 non-infected villages (brigades), accounting for 69.5%.

According to the second batch of public announcement lists, the city added a total of 1027 non-infected communities, 62 non-infected communities, and 189 non-infected villages (brigades). At the same time, in accordance with relevant regulations, verification, cancellation or suspension of the identification of a few non-infected communities, non-infected communities, and non-infected villages (brigades).

The relevant person in charge of the community epidemic prevention and control group of the city said that after the epidemic-free communities, communities, and villages (brigades) were determined to be on the list, each district would dynamically adjust according to the actual situation: when a new confirmed case was added to the community, its epidemic-free district would be cancelled immediately Confirmation; when a new suspected case, fever or close contact is added to the community, the identification of the epidemic-free community will be suspended; if the above new ones are converted into confirmed cases, the identification of the epidemic-free community will be cancelled; if the above new ones exclude new coronary pneumonia For cases, the non-epidemic community is resumed, and the suspended time can be continuously recorded in the non-epidemic time. (Reporter Xiao Juan correspondent Zou Yu Wang Xiongping)