Client, March 8th (Peng Jingru) Since February, more than 60 cities have issued relevant regulatory policies on the property market, but in the real estate policy regulatory group, Zhumadian and Guangzhou have recently “withdrawn a message” .

On March 4, Guangzhou's related policies on property market relaxation were suspended; on March 5, Zhumadian's 17 policies to stabilize the property market have been removed from the official website. Guangzhou and Zhumadian successively withdrew relevant documents, which once again aroused public attention on the trend of property market regulation.

Data Map: A real estate building in Longyan City, Fujian Province. Photo by Zhang Bin, China News Agency

Epidemic impacts real estate, new regulatory policies released in over 60 places

According to incomplete statistics, in February, more than 60 cities issued varying degrees of real estate control policies. For example, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Hefei, etc. have policies such as reducing or exempting property rents, deferring payment of social security premiums, deducting and deferring taxes. These policies mainly ease the pressure on enterprises' accounts payable in the short term, and mainly focus on stability.

More than ten cities, such as Jinan, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Tianjin, etc. To deal with the epidemic, it is clear that land payments can be applied for extension or payment in installments.

In addition, Huangshan, Suzhou and other places have revised the policy of requiring existing houses for land sales, and moderately relaxed the pre-sale conditions of real estate. And Shenzhen, Wuhu, Huizhou, Dalian, Hohhot, Wuhan, Nanning and other cities have promulgated policies such as deferring the provident fund and reducing the ratio of the provident fund deposit.

Most of these cities are third- and fourth-tier cities. Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, analyzed at the time that the real estate market policy in February was mainly to support real estate companies, reduce corporate capital pressure, and delay the monthly provident fund.

Guangzhou and Zhumadian braked sharply. What line did you step on?

In more than 60 places, the policies of Guangzhou and Zhumadian staged "one-day tours" and "half-month talks", respectively.

Let's look at Zhumadian's policy first.

The full name of the document that was withdrawn from Zhumadian is "Opinions on Further Regulating the Promotion of the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry", of which there are 17 policies to stabilize the property market, including "requiring financial institutions to moderately lower the personal housing mortgage loan interest rate. 30% down to 20%. " This is the first city to explicitly propose to reduce the down payment for home purchases during the outbreak.

In addition, the content also includes subsidies for those who purchase the first set of residential housing in downtown and districts, including 200 yuan / person for various types of talents, 150 yuan / person for college graduates, and migrant workers. The subsidy standard is 100 yuan / person.

"Zhumadian itself has a lot of pressure to destock." Zhang Hongwei, chief analyst of Tongce Group, said that after the monetization placement ratio was significantly reduced last year, the sales pressure in the entire market was very high and the inventory rose sharply. "For such a city, some targeted easing measures should be taken to destock."

Zou Linhua, a researcher at the Institute of Financial Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that there can be many countermeasures for stabilizing the real estate market, and it cannot go down the old road of using stimulated real estate to stimulate the economy. "Especially the financing leverage for home purchases must be strictly controlled, which is related to future systemic financial risks."

Real estate along the Pearl River in Guangzhou. Photo by Xu Qingqing

Let's look at the specific documents in Guangzhou.

The Guangzhou Municipal Government issued on March 3 the “Notice of Several Measures to Resolutely Win the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Stagnation War in Efforts to Achieve the Economic and Social Development Goals and Tasks of the Year” (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), of which 48 Measures, including: Guangzhou apartment, retail and other commercial projects no longer limit the minimum division unit, no longer limit the sales target.

On the 4th, the Notice was withdrawn by the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal Government. On the 5th, the "Disappearance" Notice appeared again, but the original policy provisions on loosening business service items have been deleted.

"This policy has deleted the content of the previously controversial commercial service subscriptions, indicating that some sensitive home purchase policies will still be considered, further reflecting the orientation of housing and not speculation." Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of the E-House Research Institute, analyzes The adjustment of Guangzhou's policies also shows that some of the recent cities' policies related to the field of house purchase are immature, and it will be more cautious to introduce loosening policies in subsequent places.

Yan Yuejin believes that such policies have received attention for two reasons. First, the management and control of commercial service projects has always been considered as a means to crack down on real estate speculation, and hasty relaxation will cause misunderstanding. Second, Guangzhou is a first-tier city. The signal of being the first to release is of great significance, so policy adjustments will be more cautious.

"Adjusting policies in accordance with the epidemic situation is in line with actual conditions, but the bottom line is that housing should not be speculated, and real estate can't be encouraged or supported in disguise." Zou Linhua said.

Real estate companies' fancy self-help, what's the next step?

In fact, in addition to the relevant real estate policies promulgated in various places, there are many ways for housing companies to "self-help". Discount promotions, live sales, bond financing, etc. are all listed here.

Greenland Group announced measures to pay 5,000 yuan per set of subscription funds, and buyers who signed the "subscription agreement" enjoyed an additional 10% discount in addition to the discounts on the property; if new customers are recommended to purchase, they will be rewarded with a 1% commission, and then reward 5,000 yuan referral bonus and 5,000 yuan return for fundraising.

Recently, the discount news about Evergrande is even more eye-catching. From February 18th to 29th, Evergrande will offer 25% discount for all real estate (including apartments and office buildings) on sale throughout the country; from March 1st to 31st, it will be a discount of 23%. In addition to discount promotions, Evergrande also said that 613 real estate in the country can be viewed in VR. At present, Fangtianxia, ​​Leju and other platforms have launched live selling live.

On February 19, an employee of a real estate agency in Fengtai District, Beijing worked at the front desk of the store. Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the number of on-the-spot visits has decreased, and various housing companies have started online VR housing selection models, and some real estate have launched promotional models. China News Agency reporter Zhang Yushe

"At this stage, live-streaming is mainly due to the pressure on the sales and operating cash flow of real estate companies in the short term. Real estate companies have to reserve some customers who intend to subscribe through live broadcasts or price reductions." Zhang Hongwei commented on discount promotions and Sell ​​a house live.

"By issuing bonds, companies can also temporarily obtain some financing cash to ease the pressure on funds in the short term," he added.

Carding shows that housing companies Huaxia Xingfu and Vanke have all issued bond financing related announcements in February. For example, Vanke intends to publicly issue corporate bonds not exceeding 9 billion yuan, and special corporate bonds for housing leases not exceeding 3 billion yuan. At present, the CSRC has approved these two corporate bond issuance applications.

In Zhang Hongwei's view, these measures can only be said to temporarily ease the financial pressure on housing enterprises. Due to poor sales, the market is still basically in the freezing stage, and housing companies are generally under pressure. "Next, it is expected that there will be some targeted easing policies to activate market transactions and allow the market to recover more orderly."

"Live live sales and discount promotions are not very effective before the epidemic is over. After the end, there will be a greater effect." . (Finish)