[Live] Wang Yelian, Chairman of Lianjie Capital, Founder of New Bookstore

Today we are also sharing with everyone in our bookstore's live broadcast room. We also look forward to having more friends come to the bookstore to meet us when the epidemic is over.

[Explanation] The name of the person who is doing the live broadcast is Wang Yan, the founder of this bookstore. Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, he has broadcast live in the store more than once. Recently, many physical bookstores in Beijing resumed business one after another. The reporter saw in this bookstore that there were already scattered customers in the store. The person in charge of the bookstore told reporters that in the past few days, due to the epidemic, the passenger flow in the store has dropped significantly.

[Contemporary] Cheng Mingxia, Innovation and Innovation, Chief Content Officer of New Bookstore

Your costs are readily available, happening every day, your rent, employees' wages, including your utilities, etc., are happening every day, but our income is particularly meager, and we may sell coffee and books Not much, so this is a serious pressure on funding.

[Explanation] According to reports, the investigation and release group of the Printing and Publishing Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department released a survey report on February 25th: Of the 1,021 physical bookstores participating in the sample survey, 926 were suspended, accounting for 90.7%. And 43.7% of bookstores said that in the first half of 2020, operating income will fall by more than 50%. The cold business of offline also tests the adaptability of physical bookstores. How to take advantage of the Internet to turn offline products into online services and increase revenue has become a problem that operators need to think about.

[Contemporary] Cheng Mingxia, Innovation and Innovation, Chief Content Officer of New Bookstore

A tangible product is when you come to my store at a certain time, you can choose a book, buy a book, or buy a cup of coffee. This is a reading service that is limited by physical space and time, but if you go online Then, I turned the traditional text book list and text version of the book review into a video version of the book review, into a live review, I can directly interact with you and tell you that if you are interested in this field, you What kind of book should you read to get into this field.

[Explanation] The person in charge of the bookstore stated that in addition to developing more rich and innovative online service models, it is also important to establish the "reader social circle" function of the bookstore. Through online activities such as membership system, author salon, celebrity recommendation, etc., cultivate the bookstore's exclusive readership community and provide professional knowledge services for it, which is also a new survival mode that physical bookstores can explore in the future.

[Contemporary] Cheng Mingxia, Innovation and Innovation, Chief Content Officer of New Bookstore

Because many people find it difficult to choose a book, there are too many books. At this time, you need a person to help you choose a book. Some bookstores have a very deep accumulation in a certain field, or bookstores, and bookstores. The person doing the knowledge service can help him to do this step of work. I provide you with monthly services, or quarterly services, or annual services. These are all intangible services. Then around these books, I can match you with reading clubs, online, offline, or even this. There are special cattle in the field, I can help you make referrals, you can communicate online, etc., are some intangible services.

Fan Siyi reports from Beijing

Editor-in-chief: [Lu Yan]