Illustration of the Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde basilica in Marseille - 🇫🇷 Simon Wagner | @ swgraw / Unsplash

In the podcast “Minute Papillon! ", Place for a special episode. For the 2020 municipal elections, 20 Minutes offers a series of podcasts on cities with high stakes. Find each Saturday, before the elections (March 15-22), a new episode.

Episode 3: Marseille

A click in the audio player to listen to this podcast

In this third episode, head for Marseille, the second largest city in France. All the info on this election, the challenges of this city, the forces involved and the countryside climate, listen in this podcast to David Blanchard, editor in chief at 20 Minutes , in particular responsible for the regions, and Mathilde Ceilles, journalist for 20 Minutes at the local editorial office in Marseille. It's as simple as a click in the audio player above. Good listening.

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Coronavirus: IHU Marseille, reference center in France

  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • municipal
  • Podcast
  • Wait a minute
  • Marseilles