The delivery man lives in the car

Food delivery man Zengchen. China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily reporter Geng Xueqing / photo

Ma Zengchen has lived in his van delivering food for 14 days.

After the city was closed in Wuhan, the food delivery man Pingxing Daiyue delivered food to the residents. He only slept four or five hours a day, often eating only one meal a day.

He was obviously thin. On March 2, he weighed and lost 18 pounds a month ago.

Ma Zengchen, 38, is a food delivery staff at Wuhan Station, an online freshness platform. Under the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wuhan was closed on January 23, and all residential quarters began to be closed on February 11. The company he serves is one of the online food shopping platforms recommended by the Municipal Commerce Bureau to residents. He suddenly became one of the "livelihood security staff" in the city.

On average, Ma Zengchen delivers fresh vegetables and meat to 60-80 families. The service range of the delivery staff is multi-faceted and has a working radius of 20-30 kilometers. Today, the order is about three times the usual amount, and it is normal to be busy until 10pm.

Ma Zengchen is a foreigner who lives in Miaoshan Community, Jiangxia District, Wuhan. There is an iron fence gate north of the main gate of the plot, which was closed during the epidemic. He returned at night, and usually parked here. Subject Wang Jiangyan would wait for a "joint" on the other side of the fence.

Across the fence, she handed him hot meals and talked for a while. In order to save the car battery power, Wang Jiangyan also took his mobile phone home to charge. Sometimes, Ma Zengchen didn't even want to eat, he just wanted to sleep.

They originally planned to return to their hometown to register for marriage in the Spring Festival of 2020. They bought their tickets and Wuhan closed the city.

The hospital was overcrowded and no one was seen on the street. They are also a little scared. Wang Jiangyan remembers that she persuaded Ma Zengchen once: "Let's not do it again, who do you look so hard on the street?"

Ma Zengchen didn't answer. They have children to raise and debts to pay. In December last year, they opened a "Happy Lemon" milk tea shop in the Miaoshan community. "When this happened (referring to the new crown pneumonia), it was 'extinguished'." Wang Jiangyan cut the lemons in "Happy Lemon" inventory into slices, and waited until night to prepare a bucket of hot water with lemon slices floating for Ma Zengchen.

In the first few days after the community was closed, Ma Zengchen was able to clearly enter and exit the community.

He has three electronic certificates in his phone. Two certificates from Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce prove that Ma Zengchen's company is an "important people's livelihood security company" and his employees are "people's livelihood security workers" who are responsible for the supply of "necessities and protective supplies". Priority guarantees will be given to traffic and personnel commuting.

The other is "Certificate of New Pneumonia Vaccination and Security for Vehicles", which has Ma Zengchen's ID number and license plate number, stamping the official seal of Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce and his company.

In other different communities, Ma Zengchen's colleagues rely on these proofs, and have been able to enter and exit smoothly after passing the body temperature test every day. One of them confirmed this to reporters on March 3.

But on February 18th, these proofs failed at the gate of the Miaoshan community. Ma Zengchen said that after he returned the food, the staff of the community "closed and controlled the management post" asked him for a hard copy of the certificate and waited for him to run back to the company to print it. ".

Later, the company specifically issued him an "employee certificate", proving that Ma Zengchen was involved in "people's livelihood and medical material distribution work."

Wang Jiangyan remembered that a community worker later said that Ma Zengchen had left the community for more than 24 hours at this time. If he returned home, he would need to be isolated for 14 days.

A member of the Miaoshan Development Zone Management Committee office confirmed this statement to reporters: Ma Zengchen had two choices at the time-either to go home and isolate, or not to enter the community. The staff member did not explain the basis for the move.

"Isolated for 14 days, how can we do that? We have to make money to support our family," Wang Jiangyan said. They have calculated that the elderly, children, shop rent, car loan, house loan, even if they do not eat or drink, the monthly expenses will be more than 10,000 yuan.

Since February 18, Ma Zengchen has a car as his home.

The company requires the delivery person to arrive at the warehouse at 3 am every day, and he will be an hour and a half ahead of time-late to wait for other colleagues to run out of the code gun to pick up the goods. At around 6 in the morning, he started delivering food to the urban area of ​​Wuhan.

Ma Zengchen said that novices usually send "one line" a day. He started this job in July 2019 and will send two or three lines every day. Sometimes in order to make more money, an extra line is applied for. There are about 20 customers on each line, which takes half a day.

For him, the ideal situation is that all customers can be in one community, but this is "too difficult to meet." There are four or five households in a community, which will save a lot of time, and he is "thanks so much".

He came home late. The dinner prepared by Wang Jiangyan was the only dinner of Ma Zengchen's day. The big bowl, the gap in the iron fence of the community could not be plugged, and he could only pass it from the bottom, and he ate in the cold wind. Occasionally he would make a bucket of instant noodles at the company. On the way, he couldn't find hot water for instant noodles.

He has a severe lack of sleep. On the evening of February 29, when reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network saw Ma Zengchen, he had just finished 20.5 hours of work. When the reporter talked to Wang Jiangyan, he put the driver's seat down and lay down on the back of the chair, and soon there was a snoring sound.

He took time to make up for sleep, and slept in the car with clothes every day, covered with a blanket.

There is only one blanket. "It's very embarrassing to say it. There is only one thin quilt in the family." Wang Jiangyan said that she would return to her hometown in winter before, and had no thick quilt in Wuhan.

The nearest night minimum temperature in Wuhan is 5 ° C. Ma Zengchen was sometimes awakened by freezing. He would start the car, turn on the air conditioner for heating, and then turn it off. "It would be dangerous to turn on the air conditioner for a long time."

Fortunately, he has been physically active, physically strong, and has not had a cold.

Every three or four days, when the company was young at night, Ma Zengchen would wash his body with hot water while washing his hands. He tried to use the toilet in the company as much as possible, and sometimes he was in a hurry at night, and he settled in a nearby grove-a helpless act in a very period.

Ma Zengchen said that this bit of suffering is nothing, the most troublesome is video chat with parents.

Parents are very fond of them, they will video chat with them almost every morning before 9 o'clock, telling them not to go out.

In order to prevent parents from discovering that they are going out to deliver food, Ma Zengchen sometimes finds a corner, sometimes in the toilet, and talks to the elderly. Once, when his father saw that he was in the car, he had to explain that "the car didn't move for a long time and came out."

Ma Zengchen came to Wuhan when he was 17 years old. Before working as a food delivery staff, he used a tricycle to deliver fruits to earn a living. He had a fruit business with a friend and lost money. In 2018, he gritted his teeth and bought the Golden Cup van.

The car model is more than 63,000 yuan, Wang Jiangyan overdrawn more than a dozen credit cards and "flower 呗" limit to pay the down payment, each month to pay 1,430 yuan car loan.

Ma Zengchen especially cherished the car. As long as there is nothing wrong, he will wash the body with a water pipe. "How about a car like this? If you love it, it will give you a good job."

Now the car has become his temporary shelter.

Sun Yong, the secretary of the village branch of Miaoshan Xincun, told reporters that Ma Zengchen had stayed outside for so long. He did not know the specific reason and had not encountered a similar situation. He also said that there is no rule for residents to be separated from their homes for 24 days after leaving the community for 14 days. He thought that Ma Zengchen was selling vegetables every day.

On the evening of March 2, a staff member of the village committee proposed two solutions: If Ma Zengchen needs to return to his place of residence, he needs a physical examination to rule out new coronary pneumonia, and then stays at home for 14 days. If the 14 days of isolation has an impact on work, the village He will be given two quilts.

Ma Zengchen said that entering the warehouse through two doors every day and taking two body temperature measurements are now normal, and there are registration records, "How can I deliver food to the public if it is not normal?"

After pressing the pause button across Wuhan, Ma Zengchen encountered most volunteers, courier brothers, takeaway riders, and food delivery staff like him.

He felt that in a special period, the business volume increased sharply, and there were fewer demanding customers. Occasionally, he didn't embarrass him when he didn't meet the order and the sorting was missed. Almost all customers showed extraordinary generosity, "at this time, can understand."

Because "contactless" delivery of vegetables, Ma Zengchen will hear a lot of "thank you" on the phone after delivering the vegetables to the designated place. He has been working in Wuhan for 21 years. He has never felt so "needed and respected by everyone" like this month, which made him work "very vigorously".

It was only at night, lying outside the iron fence, in the car that he felt like a foreigner.

China Youth Daily • China Youth Daily reporter Geng Xueqing Source: China Youth Daily