China News Network, Hefei, March 3 (Xia Ying) The Interpol 2 Team of the Baohe Branch of Hefei City Public Security Bureau, Anhui Province, recently cracked a fraud involving the sale of a temperature gun in the name of more than 120,000 yuan.

According to the police, on February 6th, due to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control, Mr. Wang prepared to buy a batch of temperature guns online, but accidentally fell into the fraud trap and was defrauded by more than 120,000 yuan. On February 10, after receiving the report, the Interpol Team 2 of the Baohe Sub-Bureau locked up the suspect Luo Moumou (29 years old, from Taoyuan County, Hunan Province) through various investigations and judgments. They were subsequently pursued online. On February 20, Luo Moumou was arrested and brought to justice by the Furong Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Changsha City. On February 23, Luo Moumou was taken back from Changsha by the police of the Baohe Branch.

According to Luo Moumou, he saw that the online masks, temperature guns and other epidemic prevention materials were in short supply, and wanted to "deceive some money and spend", he released information on the sale of protective equipment such as temperature guns and masks through WeChat groups and circle of friends. The victim Wang asked him to buy a temperature gun through WeChat. Luo Moumou lied that he had a spot, and after receiving the 126,000 yuan payment from Wang Mou, he logged out of WeChat contacting Wang and logged in. Splurged by him.

At present, the suspect Luo Moumou has been arrested by the People's Procuratorate of Baohe District of Hefei City in accordance with law, and the case is still under investigation. (Finish)