[Explanation] Recently, in Sichuan, Guangdong and other regions, people have taken off their masks, drank tea, and queued up at the hotel entrance.

In response to such a phenomenon, on February 25, He Qinghua, a first-level inspector of the CDC of the National Health and Medical Commission, emphasized at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council that low-risk areas do not mean that there is no risk, and the public needs to take personal protection.

[Contemporary] He Qinghua, First Class Inspector, CDC, National Health and Medical Commission

Low-risk areas do not mean that there is no risk. Some areas have just come over (adjusted) after the high- and medium-risk epidemic situation has decreased. In these areas, especially as just mentioned, there are low-risk areas from high and medium areas. Residents usually Still have to do personal protection. On the one hand, to reduce unnecessary crowd gathering, it is recommended to wear masks when going to places where people gather, and to adopt partitioned operations and scattered meals when returning to work and production.

[Contemporaneous] In response to the issue of regionally classified prevention and control of epidemics, He Qinghua stated at the press conference that different management and control principles should be adopted for each region.

[Contemporary] He Qinghua, First Class Inspector, CDC, National Health and Medical Commission

For example, in low-risk areas, strict prevention of input is adopted. What is strict input prevention? Strict prevention of imports is first of all an epidemic situation. How did the epidemic situation come from? The epidemic situation was brought by people. Then the comrades in these regions should know which comrades came to resume work and resume work. Whether they are from high-risk areas or medium-risk areas, these people must be given certain health monitoring, understand their health status, and give them necessary health services.

[Explanation] The State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism requires each province and jurisdiction to make dynamic adjustments to the low-, medium-, and high-risk lists. He Qinghua also responded to the specific implementation of dynamic adjustments.

[Contemporary] He Qinghua, First Class Inspector, CDC, National Health and Medical Commission

The situation of the epidemic situation is changing every day, and the situation of yesterday and today is changing. It should be said that as the epidemic situation changes, the risk level can be adjusted at any time and announced to the public. At the same time, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, when the number of cases continues to decline steadily and the risk of epidemic spread is effectively controlled, provinces and cities should promptly reduce the level of emergency response or terminate the emergency response by region.

Reporter Xu Pengpeng reports from Beijing

Editor-in-chief: [Liu Xian]