Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19, which began in Wuhan, China, late last year, is causing fear and anxiety around the world.

The number of deaths in China from Corona 19 has exceeded 2,000, and the number of confirmed patients has exceeded 74,000.

We also spread the disease to local communities, including a large number of confirmed patients in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, and patients with unknown sources of infection.

The third assault of the variant coronavirus that started again after SARS in 2002 and MERS in 2015.

What is the identity of the variant coronavirus that emerges and threatens humanity? During the SARS outbreak of 2002, bats were believed to be a reservoir of viruses.

Bats, the only mammals that fly, contain many types of viruses, of which coronaviruses are known to cause mutations and spread to humans.

In 2015, Mers was also found to have spread to humans, a variant of the camel, the bat, which came from an intermediate host.

Are all new infectious diseases coming from bats? Many experts met with the report say that bats and viruses were still there from the beginning, but humans first invaded or approached wildlife sites for reasons of development and eating.

And another thing to note is that over 70% of the new epidemics that have occurred in the last three decades are 'common infections' that have been passed from animal to human.

It is no longer necessary to abandon the idea of ​​human beings and animals, and to study and prepare humans, animals and the environment.

This week's New Story focuses on the latest causes of new infectious diseases and preparations for common infectious diseases, centering on Corona19.

(Reporting: Kim Seung-pil / Scripter: Choi In-jung)