In his latest book, 'Life, the great story' (ed. Destiny), the paleoanthropologist, attapuerquista and director of the Museum of Human Evolution of Burgos (who turns 10) dismantles the worst omens about our species and explains the evolution from Kubrick's killer monkey.

Why is there always an original sin? Monkeys are generally peaceful, but we manage to differentiate ourselves from the rest by being more aggressive, even criminal. And so it goes. Does it bother you to be treated as a guru? When people ask me for advice for life, I send them to read Socrates. My only practical recommendation is that macaroni should not be cooked for more than two minutes. Better, duritos.And that the 'other pasta' does not give happiness, does it have a scientific basis? Removing situations of real need, all the good things that life can offer you is free.He says in his book that if we rewind 4,000 millions of years everything would be more or less the same. How is that possible? If we analyze history as a social phenomenon, we realize that there are patterns that are repeated. We know, for example, that agriculture and writing appeared in different civilizations independently. It is not determinism, but pure probability. We cannot experiment with history, but we can imagine other outcomes. What is your favorite 'what if'? Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Scipio had won Hannibal at the Battle of Zama, if evolution had not produced the first vertebrates or if, thousands of millions of years ago, an accident would not have allowed the appearance of complex cells. Do you think there is intelligent life out there? It is likely that there is, although the issue that really worries us is whether that more complex life is close enough to us to be able to communicate, that is, no more than 50 light years away. That already seems much more difficult. Do we live in the best of all possible worlds? Until now, yes, but it could be better. I do not share the truculent forecasts of Hawking, Harari and other catastrophists. I prefer to think, as Arthur C. Clarke said, that science is an early warning system that allows us to avoid unwanted futures. Are you worried about artificial intelligence? The robots are overrated. Another thing is that they can bundle it because it occurs to someone to put an automaton at the controls of a nuclear power plant. The machines have no consciousness or mind, they don't make decisions. They simply react to the algorithms. And how do you explain the rise of the earthquake? Conspiranoicos has always been, but now they have their niche in the media. One day they buy a plane ticket to attend a terraplanista convention and, on the other, they raise money for an expedition to the abyss.The last chapter of their book is titled 'Something wonderful is going to happen' Like what? They bring me carelessly anti-aging treatments. I also don't want a chip installed in my eye. I would settle for people to stop screaming when talking on the mobile in the AVE. That would be an achievement.

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