For several months, public hospitals have been on strike to denounce the lack of resources. If the strike seems to bear fruit internally, the government is not listening enough, according to Pr Stéphane Dauger, spokesperson for the inter-hospital collective, guest of Europe 1.


Friday, Professor Stéphane Dauger, head of the resuscitation and continuous and pediatric surveillance service at the Robert Debré hospital and spokesperson for the inter-hospital collective, was with the hospital staff on the street for a new day of mobilization in order to denounce the inadequacies of the Buzyn plan, presented last September. On administrative strike since December, he asked for more resources for the hospital at the microphone of François Clauss, Saturday, on Europe 1.

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The number of strikers is constantly increasing according to Professor Dauger. "The administrative strike continues to take, there are 1,000 heads of services throughout the territory who have dropped all these administrative procedures. Normally when there is a difficulty in a service, it is to the head of service that we "Address. We, the resigners, stopped all these permanent questions of administration and stopped taking part in all these decisions where one speaks only about money", he explains.

"We are starting to see the fruits" of the strike

For him money is the sinews of war. "Heads of departments continue to resign today. That means that we can no longer do it and that we just have to give back means," he said. "If we just give something to be recognized, they will stay, we will rebuild and we will get back to work. We want to resume this activity but in a different atmosphere from the one we currently have."

Within the hospital, the mobilization of department heads is noticeable according to Professor Dauger. "We have the impression that we are starting to see the fruits of all this, because it puts directors in difficulty. We are putting sand in the cogs, we are starting to feel it," explains Stéphane Dauger.

"The Court of Auditors said, the increase we need is 4% to follow the needs of the hospital, it was voted 2.3%, we are far from the account" laments the pediatrician. "It is time to put money on the table, to open negotiations on low wages, to restore power to caregivers and users, and not only to directors who put pressure on the ministry," continues the spokesperson for the inter-hospital collective.

"We who claim nothing for us, we get nothing"

Professor Dauger, on the other hand, denounces the government's lack of listening to hospital staff. "When other professions mobilize, they get it. We who demand nothing for us, we get nothing. We want to continue to have a strong public hospital in France," he said.

"Users and patients defend us a lot," explains Stéphane Dauger, who underlines the support of public opinion. "About 800,000 signatories have signed petitions to defend the public hospital according to Cese. We are in a situation where the population defends its hospital." A meeting with the Minister of Health is scheduled for next week. "We will go to the minister, according to the proposals that we will be made," confirms Professor Dauger.