Tsuruga Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 Rewrite of material "terrible"

Regarding the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 in Fukui Prefecture, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mr. Sarada, mentioned that there was a rewrite of data on a fault that Nippon Nuclear Power operated underneath the nuclear power plant, etc. It's terrible to make changes. "

Nippon Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., submitted a new analysis result of a drilling survey on a fault that passes directly below while explaining to the NRA about Tsuruga Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 aiming for restart on this month, In this, the data shown in the past was not described, and it was found that some expressions had been rewritten, and the discussion was postponed.

Regarding this, at a regular meeting on the 12th, Chairman of the Regulatory Commission, Toshishi Sarada, said, "It is frank to say that it is a bit terrible. You can understand if you add new data to the primary information, The problem is that it lacks the most rudimentary parts of science and technology. "

He then asked Nippon Genden for an explanation that included the background.

Regarding the materials, Nippon Nuclear Power says, "I would like to explain the old and new data in the future so that you can understand the process where the misunderstanding was given."