The fashion creator writes about the event in a post on Facebook:

“Tonight, 14 shots were fired at the studio and my windows.
I was in the studio, sitting and working. I saw everything nice on the surveillance camera as one slowed down and a gun barrel was pulled towards me. He threw me on the floor when I saw that there was one that was aimed at me. 14 shots.
The police were here in 1 min.
Thank you my lucky star for living. The shot went straight through the studio and into the wall in height with my head and torso.
Thanks to all the people involved who help me through this and all the support. "

"This is any kind of air weapon, air rifle or air gun," says Mats Erikson, the police's press spokesman.

Two suspects for damages

- The time was around 04:00 when we got calls from the woman who has this studio about what she perceived as a gunshot, Mats Eriksson continues.

The fashion designer was able to give the police details of a car that was passing by at the time and shortly afterwards the police could arrest two men.

- We got grain on the car and seized those who were in it, says Mats Eriksson

- We have held hearings with them and they are suspected of damaging and violating the Arms Act. The weapon in question is some kind of air weapon, air rifle or air gun, says Mats Eriksson.

14 holes in the window

No person should have been injured but the police have counted 14 small bullet holes in the window. The police have seized a small metal bullet. The men were released after questioning but are still suspected of the crime. The motive for the shooting is unclear.

- But we have ideas and suspicions, says Mats Eriksson.

He does not want to go into whether the suspected perpetrators are known to the police before.