A simple comment, a few words, it took only a few minutes to write, not exceeding five, perhaps, but its moral and motivational impact will continue for several months, but perhaps for years, it came from a senior official, and a prominent leader, who holds an unusual position, he is the Deputy Ruler of Dubai, and before That is the son of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and a graduate of his school in management, motivation and high ambition ..

His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, may God protect him, and as always, he is quietly following and watching what is happening in society in general, and in various government departments in particular, he drew his attention to a tweet written by Mwatana, in which he thanks the Dubai Health Authority for its interest in its sick father, from By sending a private doctor to the family’s home, and providing the necessary treatment services to the patient ..

His Highness felt comfortable, and he felt happy, for two reasons. The first and most important thing is that the services of the departments have reached the citizens they need while they are in their homes. This is the highest of what any government aspires to, and this is a clear distinction, which has become a reality in Dubai, so his happiness was from the happiness of that citizenship that Her father got the necessary treatment, and the second reason is the presence of creative and vital creative initiatives by government agencies, which the departments undertake in the belief of the importance of their role and duties, and this means a true translation of the leadership’s directives, and his directives are personally direct to all departments by providing services and facilities to citizens, at any time and place, It is a disgrace Maktoum bin Muhammad is closely aware that this goal permanently tops his priorities.

His Highness chose to write words of thanks to the Health Authority directly on social media, and he could call the director of the department to thank him and thank the department’s employees, and in this an important lesson for motivation, he thanked the manager by phone, he will not feel its importance, and he will not feel his joy except the manager, but thanks in sight Everyone, and everyone’s hearing, contains motivation and appreciation to all employees of the Health Authority, and all its physicians, and it is also an indirect motivation for all Dubai government employees in general, so everyone who has read, and everyone who has seen, and everyone who has heard about this Tweet, will strive for creativity, innovation and work with sincerity until Watch his work one day, appreciated and welcomed by the most correct His Highness, decision makers, and society in general ..

This is how leadership is, and so is management, motivation, motivation and motivation, not shouting, and not issuance of orders and superiority, and not instructions from top to bottom, without listening to the voice of junior staff. Leadership is the participation of employees in their accomplishments, and thanks and appreciation for them immediately after achieving any achievement, without delay, and without reducing the size of this achievement, so motivating and thanking employees for small efforts that motivates them to achieve great achievements ..

Management is not spreading frustration, but creating a comfortable and suitable work environment to achieve accomplishments, and the work environment does not only mean offices, but the most important of them is creating psychological and moral conditions to raise the positive energy of employees, and this positive energy is the only fuel that drives motivation, makes the difference, and achieves Goals, so did the message and idea of ​​His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Muhammad reach everyone ?!

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