Betty Gilpin in the movie The Hunt. - Universal Pictures France

The Hunt , a film starring "elites" hunting for the pleasure of "ordinary Americans", whose release had been canceled last year after a lively controversy, will finally be released in American theaters on March 13 . The film was originally scheduled to be released last September, but it scandalized some Republicans, including President Donald Trump himself, and Universal Studios ended up giving up at the time.

"Leftist Hollywood is extremely racist, and with great anger and hatred! ", The American president tweeted at the time. Violent satire of the deep divide between different American social classes, starring Hilary Swank and Betty Gilpin, The Hunt shows wealthy elites hunting and defeating, by pure snobbery and class contempt, poor people from rural states, traditional bastions of the republican party (Wyoming, Mississippi…).

One of the prey is rebelling

The brutal scenes contained in the trailer presented at the end of July had made all the more cringe as America had been bereaved by two shootings which left 31 dead a few days later. Universal Studios has apparently decided to now take over the controversy to promote their film. "The one who has spoken the most without having ever seen him ... for now", they write in a press release announcing his upcoming release.

A poster from The Hunt also mentions the following quote, attributed to the very conservative television channel Fox News: "Show the real face of Hollywood ... demented and evil." In The Hunt , wealthy hunters sometimes call their prey "deplorable," a term used during Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign to refer to the most extremist Donald Trump activists.

If its official synopsis is to be believed, the film is not however entirely to the advantage of the liberal privileged since one of the prey rebuffs and ends up tracking in turn its torturers, eliminating them one after the other . "None of us wanted to take sides with this film," defended producer Jason Blum in an interview released Tuesday by the Hollywood Reporter website . "The public is smart enough to know that what they see is a satire and that it is grotesque," he insists.


"The Hunt", "Bastille Day", "Made in France" ... Fictions condemned by the news

  • Hunt
  • Donald trump
  • United States
  • Culture
  • Movie