It became apparent that the main national idea of ​​modern Russia is demography. From here all other primary goals and tasks are already taking shape, including the vector for the development of territories. A new development of the country, because now human resources are shrinking more and more in megacities, while large spaces are empty and a number of regions are on the verge of a demographic catastrophe.

It is no coincidence that President Putin in his recent address directly linked demographic issues with the fate of Russia. To the category of the highest national priority, he elevated the tasks of "saving and increasing the people", and for this it is necessary to "get out of the demographic trap." The nineties affected the birth rate in the country almost like the years of World War II.

That is why the president, as you know, devoted most of his message to the social vector for the family, for children. He outlined a whole set of measures to overcome the very “demographic trap”, many of which were unprecedented in scale.

There is a strong feeling that now the state machine is literally mobilized to carry out this task. We are used to the fact that many good aspirations often stumble over performing discipline, drown in bureaucratic delays, and become only beautiful slogans without their implementation. But, apparently, not that case.

The efficiency of decision-making in fulfillment of the social part of the presidential message is amazing. It is demonstrated, in particular, by the State Duma, in which, in other years and convocations, many were drowned in general inertness and under the yoke of demagogy. Today's Duma is an instrument of direct action and instant response. Through this, its role in the life of the country grows.

Immediately after the presidential message, Vyacheslav Volodin instructs to quickly work out all the options for the planned reloading of the maternity capital program.

Less than a week later, in the first reading, deputies passed a bill to expand the scope of the capital for the construction of a house on a garden and summer cottage. Then Volodin noted that he was expecting amendments to this document in the very near future. According to them, families where the first-born appeared will receive the capital, and payments will also be increased at the birth of the second baby. In addition, the program itself under one of the amendments is proposed to be extended until December 31, 2026 with annual indexation. The term for issuing mother capital will be reduced from 30 to 15 days. It is planned that all these measures will be extended to children born from the beginning of the year.

The bill, as amended in the second and third reading, will be considered by the State Duma in the very near future.

So the systemic work of the state in relation to the family is built. Not one-time gestures and situational forms of help, but the state philosophy of supporting the family, the architecture of that very shoulder that you can rely on in any difficult situation. At the same time, the child becomes desirable not only for parents, but also for the state itself, which has been leading it from birth.

It must be understood that demographic problems are a legacy of the timelessness in which our country was. For some, this is a “wonderful decade”, but in reality, at least in terms of the damage caused by the birth rate, it is approaching the years of World War II.

At that time, many stereotypes were put in the minds of citizens and firmly imprinted, including which, like bad habits, it is not so easy to get rid of. That rust has settled in the heads, and demographic problems are the direct legacy of that devastation.

At one time, society was zombified with viral phrases, from which it gave away imperative precepts, like: “Why produce poverty?”, Especially in a situation where we do not live, but survive ...

Then there was a division into "raspberry jackets" and "cattle", which could not adapt to the new conditions of life. On the prosperous and the outsiders. Lines of division, splits and alienation in society were built. Some became masters of life, while others blocked oxygen and crossed out any prospects, canceled the future, which they allegedly lost in a big thimble draw. And if so, then why do they need children to become hostages of the situation and the worthlessness of their parents?

However, now there are voices for the similar that no one owes anything to anyone, each on his own. The main thing is career and the joys of life, and children are not prospects at all, but, on the contrary, cross out the future. The burden. This is the installation of life for a short distance, which is usually followed by emptiness. But such a behavioral style is still tempting, still in trend, like a short-lived champagne bottle.

And now every now and then shouts arise demanding "not to give birth to slaves to this state." For someone, such statements are still convincing, although they are already perceived by society as obviously scandalous and shocking.

The voices of social racism still exist and articulate - an echo of bygone days of unlimited chaos. Poor means marginal. Help him in vain, that in the sand, because there is a natural selection and the strongest win in it.

Such propaganda viruses also keep our society in that very demographic trap.

Therefore, social policy should be comprehensive. This is not only payments, benefits, but also a feeling that the person is not alone, he is not abandoned, not lost, not deleted from life. It is in demand for a big job, and the state can give it to him along with the lifts from the very first day, together with investments in the future.

It should be noted that the implementation of social initiatives formulated in the presidential message is now taking place in a tight mix of the deputy corps and the cabinet, including with the interested participation of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. You could even say that a special headquarters for the struggle for Russian demography has been created, which already in the early stages works quickly and smoothly. By the way, the same Mishustin already noted that speaker Volodin “is set up to create absolutely all conditions for implementing the provisions of the president’s message”.

A kind of military regiment, entering the vanguard of the battle for the future of the country. It is not in vain that the very president, formulating a clear vector for the multiplication of the people, drew parallels with the years of war. Now, even our contemporaries must prove whether they are able to break the painful decay inertia that has clogged up in our country. Are they able to become like their ancestors, who won not only a grand victory in the great war, but also in a few years restored the country from ruins. Now it is also necessary to save the future, which in inaction, rolling by the previous inertia, we could well lose.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.