On January 20, the new organization came into force on SVT's local editors. The reorganization was primarily aimed at strengthening the supply online, but was directly met by criticism from both employees and unions, who talked about sick leave, under-staffing and stress.

The two top executives for SVT's local news, Program Manager Christina Ågren and Deputy Program Manager Ingvar Näslund, apologized: “We will redo and do right. Adjustments need to be made at the same time as we also need to give it a little more time so as not to risk that we also throw out what is good. We want the best of the audience and everyone has worked hard and we have achieved a lot, but we understand that the price has been high. We apologize. ”It said in a message.

Now Christina Ågren and Ingvar Näslund have to leave their assignments, but remain within SVT in other roles. At the same time, SVT and unions continue to map the situation of the co-workers at the local editors.

- We agree that this is the best for the business. We have done too much at the same time and we have not had a holistic perspective. So there is a need for a fresh start, says Anne Lagercrantz, SVT News and Sports Division Manager, to the Culture News.

- There is no conflict here, but we see that this is the best right now.

The working environment is lacking

“A key part of our efforts to renew SVT's local news has been to strengthen our publicist work. In this regard, we have taken important and powerful steps forward over the past year. But the working environment in some parts of the organization is lacking right now, ”says Ingvar Näslund in a press release.

“Local news is at the forefront of a new video story and very good journalism is done in line with our mission around the country. But this is happening at an excessive price for the working environment right now. Until a new manager is in place, I will do my utmost to contribute to sustainable development, ”says Christina Ågren in the same press release.

Current editorial director for SVT News West, Josefin Ziegler, becomes acting program director for SVT's local news.