Businesswoman Kim Kardashian - Lumeimages / Photoshot / UPPA / VISUAL Press Agency

Recently, Kim Kardashian revealed that she has set a goal of losing 8 kg before blowing out her 40 candles at the end of the year. To do this, the reality TV star decided to ban meat from his diet, but also that of his whole family. “I mostly eat vegetables. More meat, "she said on Twitter in response to a question from a surfer who asked her if she planned to become vegan.

The star then recommended some of her favorite vegetarian dishes, the vegetarian sausages she likes to eat for breakfast, or even the vegan tacos for lunch, not to mention a little sea foam smoothie to feel light!

An exception for North

But as Kim Kardashian decided to embark his whole family on his new diet, even children are concerned! However, the star makes a small exception for North, her six-year-old daughter, who still eats fish.


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  • Vegan
  • Reality show
  • Vegetarianism
  • People
  • Food
  • Social media
  • Kim Kardashian