Mobilization of lawyers to protest against pension reform (Archives) - BUFKENS / SIPA

Despite the government's proposals, the lawyers' protest against the pension reform has not weakened. So much so, that they decided on Friday evening to continue their mobilization. Thing that the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet said Saturday "regret".

The Keeper of the Seals also asked them to suspend this movement by insisting on dialogue. According to her, "the continuation of this movement contributes to degrading the functioning of the public service of justice to the detriment of litigants and to straining relations between lawyers, on the one hand, and magistrates and clerks, on the other hand ( …) ”. Nicole Belloubet calls on "the responsibility of each lawyer within his bar".

Lawyers want simulator and accommodations

She recalled the "three commitments of the government": "no reduction in pensions"; "No doubling of contributions, nor even a brutal increase" while stressing that "the government has indicated that it is ready to accept other scenarios further smoothing this increase"; and finally the “maintenance of the lawyers' pension fund (retirement and provident insurance) which will remain the sole contact for the profession”.

The lawyers demanded Friday that the government "provide a reliable simulator allowing them to verify the accuracy of the projections". They also said they were ready to "respond to the government's invitation to examine possible adjustments to the scenarios for integration into the universal system".

Doubling of contributions, according to lawyers

Nicole Belloubet said on Saturday that "the government takes note of the fact that the National Council of Bars agrees to discuss" these arrangements and "the conditions of exercise of the profession, in particular to support the entry of young people into the profession and those who ensure the defense of the least affluent litigants ”.

Lawyers, who contribute for their retirement to an autonomous fund, are standing up against the reform project which, according to the National Bar Council, plans to double pension contributions (from 14 to 28%) for lawyers earning less than 40,000 euros per year, and pensions, currently at least 1,400 euros net, would drop to 1,000 euros.

Since January 6, lawyers have asked for adjournments of the hearing, made zealous strikes by pleading for hours or even multiplied the requests for release.


Backlogs, serial dismissals ... How the lawyers' strike puts justice on the back burner

  • Pension reform
  • Nicole Belloubet
  • Justice
  • Society
  • Lawyer