State of the Union Address, or Donald Trump's Campaign Entry

Third State of the Union Address by Donald Trump. Behind him, Vice President Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic Opposition and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington, February 4, 2020. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

By: Marie-France Chatin Follow

In the last very theatrical State of the Union address, the White House chief praised his record, which the Democratic President of the House of Representatives hastened to call manifesto untruths.


It is an America with very deep divisions in a world that the Trump presidency leaves eminently perplexed that begins this electoral year.

- Philip Golub, Professor of International Relations at the American University of Paris; " Another story of American power ", Seuil editions
- Pierre Melandri, historian. " The American century. A story ”, Perrin editions.

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  • United States
  • Donald trump

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