The members of Tryo were the guests of Europe 1, Wednesday evening, to speak about their birthday album "XXV ans". An opus where big names from the French music scene come together in the heterogeneous universe: from Bigflo and Oli through Claudio Capeo and Veronique Sanson ... Tryo reinvents itself in this new disc.

Tryo intends to celebrate its 25 year career as it should. The group, composed of Cyrille Célestin dit Gizmo, Manu Eveno, Christophe Mali and Daniel Bravo, released on January 31st a double anniversary album, "XXV ans". In this new opus of 21 titles, the four friends surrounded themselves with artists from very different worlds: -M-, Bigflo and Oli or even Véronique Sanson and Renaud. The members of this emblematic group of French song were the guests of Emilie Mazoyer, in the program Musique, on Europe 1.

Often confined to reggae music, Tryo reveals in his new disc his ability to diversify his repertoire. The group proves it throughout its twenty-one cover songs, notably with the famous hit, "The anthem of our campaigns". In the revisited version, we find Bigflo and Oli, Claudio Capeo, LEJ, Vianney, Zaz, Gauvain Sers and Boulevard des Airs.

"Eight months to make an album"

"The exercise was to make a clean sweep of what we had done on the songs and to ask ourselves the question: how would we see it today? And above all, also, go in the direction of the artist we invite, "says the group. For this, the accomplices compose with several musical styles, including rap with Bigflo & Oli and the title "For a flirt with the crisis". But also with Mac Fly and Carlito, in "Sorry for last night": "They are singers. (...) They are big hard workers, they did the job".

This album, composed of twenty-one new versions of the group's songs, required a lot of rewriting work, to be done very quickly: "We have eight months to make an album and as they all said 'yes', we had eight months to make a double album so it was not easy. "

Alain Souchon, Véronique Sanson: "It's a huge gift!"

-M-, with "El dulce de leche", also participated in this project: "Mathieu completely appropriated the song and he completely rearranged it, he did it in one evening", specify the musicians. Other guests in the double album of 25 years of Tryo, and not least: Véronique Sanson on "Ladilafé", Alain Souchon and his sons Pierre and Ours on "2050-2100", Renaud on "La misère d'en face" or again Bernard Lavilliers on "If life put me there". "It's a huge gift!".

"A parenthesis to the continuation"

"It's very moving! See you 20 years ago!" Said the four friends. If they are a little nostalgic, the singers consider their texts as very contemporary: "There are so many things that are still relevant but that are 20 years old! There are songs that we had not listened to and which are still so topical. "

"XXV ans", an album that brings their music back to life to anticipate the future? "This album projects us into the future. It's a little parenthesis that takes us to the next part." And the success of Tryo never stops. Next March 13, the group will blow out its 25 candles at the AccorHotels Arena, in a hall that is sold out. Another big meeting: on Monday March 2, Tryo will give a private concert on Europe 1. More information on the upcoming event.